
This script is intended to fix a bug in MacOSX when accessing resources (web sites, servers) with a name of the form aaa.bbb where the true hostname is in fact aaa.bbb.search.domain.

Primary LanguageShell


This script is intended to fix a bug in MacOSX when accessing resources (web sites, servers) with a name of the form aaa.bbb where the true hostname is in fact aaa.bbb.search.domain.

This bug means for example you can use nslookup to resolve a hostname but when you try to ping the same hostname the Mac complains it can't resolve the addres. Very peculiar.

For details please see:

To apply the changes:

  1. Open Terminal.app
  2. cd <directory holding the scripts>
  3. ./AlwaysAppendSearchDomains.sh

To remove the changes and restore the default configuration:

  1. Open Terminal.app
  2. cd <directory holding the scripts>
  3. ./uninstall.sh

This script may ask for your administrator password (if you have not recently authenticated), and will update a single file (/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.mDNSResponder.plist) before restarting the name resolution system on your machine.

Originally written by Mike Thomson (mike@m-thomson.net)