
My personal technical blog where I write, mostly, about Node.js and TypeScript but sometimes go deeper into bare metal, compilers, operating systems and the likes.

Primary LanguageRubyCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0


My personal technical blog where I write, mostly, about Node.js and TypeScript but sometimes go deeper into bare metal, compilers, operating systems and the likes.

Why GitHub Pages

This blog has been migrating from time to time for a 7 years now.

The first platform where I’ve been hosting was Medium. But right from the moment when they integrated a paywall, I abandoned them and moved to Wordpress.

What is wrong with Wordpress? I’m paying them $96 a year and I don’t even know for what. SEO optimization is a mess, editors are changing once a year and content is broking. So you can fix it only by communicating with support. Screw you, Wordpress!

So that I’ve decided. I need to own my content and my own sources. That’s why I’m using GitHub Pages and Jekyll to build a blog.

To easier content management process, I’m using Forestry that is integrated with this repository.

