a script that can play any audio or video file from your computer by just searching it fro the terminal


just clone this repo and add souce to the vlc_player.sh file in your .bshrc/.zshrc file

then add your audio folders in the location files, it also supports vlc playlists and has a seperate function for that too called playlist. to run it simply then type the command "play" along with the song you wanna find for example

play eminem

which results the output alt text

now just press the file number you want to play and press enter. that's it.

you cal also just enter play or playlist and it will print ALL files it will find in the folders!

It can also run the audio file automatically without any input when it detects that there's only one audio file detected

alt text

OR you can manually add the number when specifying the audio file name like

play eminem 2

alt text