% Compile
% Start the server
{ok, Pid} = main:start_link().
% Create the first account
{PubKey1, PrivKey1} = main:create_account(Pid).
% Create the second account
{PubKey2, PrivKey2} = main:create_account(Pid).
% Mine block for the first account
main:mine_block(Pid, PubKey1).
% Get the balance of the first account
main:get_balance(Pid, PubKey1).
% Transfer 3 tokens from the first to the second account
main:create_txn(Pid, PubKey1, PubKey2, 3, PrivKey1).
% Mine a block for the first account
main:mine_block(Pid, PubKey1).
% Get the balance of the first account
main:get_balance(Pid, PubKey1).