
Notes and summary presentation from my visit to CSS DevConf

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

CSS DevConf


Opening Keynote

SVG for web designers/devs


Author of:

  • Coddrops CSS Reference
  • Smashing Book 5

SVG articles: sarasoueidan.com/articles

Don't avoid SVG just to support IE8, use a fallback. SVG is best for user controls, logos, icons, and illustrations.

  • Icon Systems
  • Ad Banners
  • Infographics
  • Data Visualizations
  • Animated Illustrations
  • Filter effects
  • Simple UI shapes

Usually a knowledge gap between designers and developers around exported SVG code.

Simple shapes are easier to manage/maintain/animate (instead of paths).

Simplify paths:

  • Each point is a pair of points in the path data

Combine paths where possible, if you don't need to animate them seperately.

Use good grouping, layering, and naming conventions.

Keep width and height attributes on <svg>

SVGO - a tool for optimizing SVG code

SVG JS animation library

  • GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP)
  • Snap.svg
  • Velocity.js

Cracking the SVG Code

@brendamarienyc Stickers! Girl Develop It!


SVG has similarities to HTML:

  • Unicode chars
  • elements, tags, attr
  • white space not important
  • nesting
  • bitmaps, anchors, text

SVG adds shapes, paths, opacity, gradients, rotation, animation


  • semantic meatning for the name of the element and children
  • value can be any string, usually url
  • xmlsn:xlink just a unique identifier


  • Units can be em, ex (height of x character), px, pt, pc
  • Shapes inside of svgs use/inherit same units

SVG Coordinate System

  • start x, start y, end x, end y
  • starts at top left corner



Has a width, height, rx, ry (rounded edges), fill, and stroke


Has radius (r), cx and cy (coordinates)


Adds rx and ry to circle


Two sets of points (x1, y1, x2, y2)


Series of points: points

Virtual Pen


d for draw Has types of lines: (uppercase referes to viewport, lower refers to where last thing stopped drawing)

  • M/m = moveto(x,y)
  • L/l = lineto(x,y)
  • A/a = arc
  • C/c = curveto
  • Z/z = close_path
  • rx, ry
  • x-axis-rotation sets rotation of arches
  • large-arc-flag is boolean
  • sweep-flag, clockwise or counterclockwise


  • SVG Compressed by Jakob Jenkov
  • scriptdraw.com
  • Pocket Guide to SVG by Joni

Creative Typography with SVG Text

http://talks.brennaobrien.com/svg-typography No auto line-wrapping


-absolute positioning with x/y -relative positioning with dx/dy

Responsive SVG

viewBox + flexible container

Curved Text


set text along arbitrary path


definte reusable svg componants

SVG on MDN jenkov.com SVG Tutorials talks.brennaobrien.com/svg-typography

Web Components


Why care about web components?

  • managing global names
  • scoping/isolating styles
  • specificity conflicts
  • unpredictable matching
  • managing dependencies
  • removing unused code

CSS selectors determine how scalable code is

What are bad selectors?

  • casts a wide net, likely clashes

CSS operates on too much DOM

How to change CSS to make it harder to screw up? What is CSS missing?

  • scope or isolate styles to set of DOM nodes
  • abstract implementation details
  • bundle a set of styles with markup and logic that depends on them

Hooray web components!

Benefits of platform-based solutions

  • no extra knowledge neeeded
  • no dependencies
  • interoperability

Anatomy of Web Components

Shadow DOM

  • Subtree of DOM nodes that you can create on any HTML element
  • Shadow nodes are private

Custom Elements

  • initally defined as JS classes
  • extend HTMLElement then registered on document
  • typically create a shadow root

HTML Imports

way to package custom elements and dependencies


inert bits of DOM, not processed by the browser

github.com/philipwalton/talks http://zastrow.co/speaking/css-dev-conf-2015/

Visual Regression Testing #RegTest



Basically testing pixels, not css or html (at it's purest form)


  • Comparison
  • Baseline

Lonely Planet Styleguide

VR Testing isn't good at distinguishing change in content vs. change in styles.

2nd Keynote

Designing Systems


  • Style guides
    • Zombie style guides, unmaintened and unused

Style guides must be living in order to be useful

Single source of truth: DRY principle

  • design tokens, units of design that make guides scalable

Design system should align your whole team

Design Principles:

  • Clarity
  • Efficiency
  • Consistency
  • Beauty

Provide devs scalable and accessible code early in dev cycle to empower them.

Clarity > Brevity


Keynote Day 2: Designing Meaningful Animation


Great UI animation has both purpose and style!

Animating with Style

Using principles of animation from Disney Animation book, summarized in a tumblr blog.

Create animation that feels a bit real, makes it feel relatable and familiar.

Animation Principles

Timing & Spacing

Timing = duration

Spacing is more like the changes in speed, or easing.

Makes animtated objects appear to obey the laws of physics.

Establishes mood, emotion, and reaction.

Everything is better with cubic-beziers


Follow Through

Not everything stops at once Overshoot the target a bit

Secondary Action

Additional action to exagerate/accentuate/support primary action.

The Bigger Picture


Designing all animations to feel logical and related

Similar objects should move in similar ways

Entrances inform exits

  • comes in from bottom, should leave from the bottom

Matching velocities creates relationships between objects

Cohesive over consistent

Finding your best moves

  • find star interaction
  • model real world things
  • match design adjectives to animation styles
    • follow through -> energetic, friendly, bold, excited
    • squash and stretch -> playful
    • smaller movements -> calm and subtle
    • opacity and blurs -> soft, stable, quiet

Aim to build your own animation library, for consistency

  • document categories of animation
  • Document your building blocks
    • opacity, scale, color, depth, position, rotation

uianimationnewsletter.com @vlh

CSS Level 4 Selectors


@Jcutrell @developertea @whiteboardis

Column combinator

  • use double pipes ||

Pseudo Selectors


  • current
  • current(s)
  • past
  • future

Not yet supported.

  • drop(active, valid, invalid)
    • all :drop classes select the drop target, not the draggable item
  • read-write, read-only
  • placeholder-shown
  • default
  • indeterminate, could have value, but doesn't yet
  • in-range/out-of-range, any element that has a max/min attribute set'
  • valid/invalid, can use regex in input pattern attribute
  • user-invalid, same as valid/invalid, only after user has interacted with that input
  • required/optional, tied to presence of required attribute
  • blank, matches things that have only whitespace
  • dir(ltr)
  • lang(zh),
  • any-link
  • scope
  • [foo="bar" i], case insesitivity
  • E >> F, descendant combinator
  • not(s1, s2
  • has(s1, s2), (doesn't ever work in browser CSS), selection based on cabinets
  • matches(s1, s2)

Bower Power

https://github.com/ecarlisle/bower-power http://www.slideshare.net/ericcarlisle/bower-power-54549427

Dependency Management Issues

KISS - Kill It & Start Screaming/Keep It Stunningly Simple

  • efficent, cheaper, better products, happier teams

What Bower does

  1. Maintains dependency manifest
  2. Fetches them when you need it
  3. Tracks Dependencies
  4. Integrates with everything

Bower vs NPM?

Many similarities, unique strengths


  • Abstracts, separates concerns
  • Uses a flat dependency tree
  • Lives and breathes git
  • establishes accountability

Often, more than expected gets installed

  • usually gets the whole github repo of project
  • you might discover something that way
  • you can use anything you need
  • add bower_components to .gitignore

Fight the Zombie Pattern Library

https://speakerdeck.com/marcelosomers/fight-the-zombie-pattern-library-css-dev-conf-2015 http://j.mp/zombie-library-cssdevconf


How do you keep building interfaces knowing that's what the world is like?

Build systems not pages

Each deliverable is a design system.

Design with patterns

Design process breaks down with distributed devlopment

Have a pattern library early to cut down on wasted artifacts.

Getting Started with your own

Take Inventory of what you have

What to document
  • Base styles
  • Components
  • Page templates



Centralize your CSS

Code review on the CSS

Some helpful tools

CSS Documentation

  • KSS

Static Site Generation

  • Pattern Lab


  • SourceJS


Closing Keynote - The art of being wrong

https://speakerdeck.com/davatron5000/the-art-of-being-wrong shoptalkshow.com godaytrip.com

Sooooo many technologies to choose from

Sometimes, ideas need to die after they become wrong (a.k.a. outdated)

How we become wrong

  • Have a really strong opinion on a really niche topic

McNamara's fallacy

  • Measure whatever can be easily measured. This is cool, as far it goes
  • Disregard that which can't be easily measured, or give an arbitrary value, which is artificial and misleading
  • presume that which can't be measured easily isn't very important. Blindness
  • That which can't be measured isn't real. Suicide.

Well, actually...

Promote Better Discussions

Other Session Slides