
Notes from RailsConf2016 in Kansas City

RailsConf 2016

Stuck in the Middle: Leverage the power of Rack Middleware


Rack sets "environment" hash

3 parts:

  • Handler takes care of WEBrick
  • Adapter talks to framework
  • Middlewares work with request/response as it passes through stack
    • used in rails to setup cookies, flash messages, logging, and params parsing

rack-throttle on github

Middleware can deal with requests your app should never worry about

  • can be protective
  • sees request and response
  • easily extracted to shareable tool

Middlewares run in a certain order rake middleware

Doesn't belong in middleware:

  • modifying the request
  • knows about business logic in the app
  • knows about models in the app

Always return a response @cdwort

Internships: Good for the intern, Great for the team


The CS Hammer

recent CS grad, far too enthusiastic about doing things themself

The Relative

"interested" in programming, happened in a vacuum

The Cutting-edge cat

wanted to use the cool new stuff only

A good one

very open to learning


  1. The CS Hammer needs guidance. Be involved in what they're learning and doing
  2. The Relative needs a clear goal and purpose to the program
  3. The Cutting-edge cat needed guidance on goals and purpose
  4. The good one can teach your things about what you're doing

Internships are audits of your own process.

Structure Matters

Intern could also mean apprentice or junior dev

Make the business case

Have goals for the program

Omada internship

  • Pairing for a few weeks
  • SOlo project
  • Back to pairing

Team Composition: 3 experience to 1 intern


  • fewer silos, more communication, onboarding is easier
  • doing so across skill levels is hard
  • let the intern type

Don't Pair? A solo project is good, code reviews will be vital

Things you'll learn from the intern

You'll learn how confusing your code is Some people are bad teachers

The solo project

Useful to solidify things they learn from pairing

Code Review

Useful in person most, but good over github Code Review talk from RailsConf2015


good for someone interested in management useful when scheduled, especially during solo project phase can interrupt


Good for attracting good interns


Less strenuous, simple code challenges Pairing interview

Retention is important!


Small Team Culture Shock


Pschological Safety

Microaggressions make things harder

  • incompetence
  • willful ignorance

Safety Methods:

  • Reflexive Change Resistance. Raise concerns when not included in changes ahead of time.
  • Intentional Deinvestment. Stop caring? Symptom of a very broken culture.
  • Compartmentalization. Sympathizing but not helping with others' problems
  • Bonding through negativity. Share pain
  1. Redirect - turn reflexive negativity into feedback
  2. Reengage - Get them to feel like a person and provide feedback
  3. Stop hurtful negativity - It doesn't help, put a stop to it.

Storytelling with Code

Evoking feelings through stories


No actors

  • email
  • phone
  • laser printer
  • the built environment

The story

  • The audience is a temp
  • Cast of characters (still not actors)

The temp needs tasks to do to drive the story.

Starts with an excel spreadsheet

  • update alive/dead
  • update life expectancies
    • tricked into looking at your own life expectancy

The Narrative Arc

Ordering the events


Understanding why these people do things



Letting audience fill in the blanks


giving the audience room to explore the way they want


Making a test framework from scratch




Keynote: Nickolaus Means


Keynote: Chanelle Henry

@chenelle777 http://www.slideshare.net/Chanelle7/rails-conference-presentation-2016-ux-rails-and-awesomeness


ActionCable is NOT:

  • for non-rails apps
  • step forward for more rails js integration

ActionCable IS:

  • solid feature for rails monoliths
  • a way to snapify rails, like turbolinks an js responses
  • easy and fun

Chat apps are the hello world of websockets

  • doesn't inherently add value to an app
  • most apps don't need chat between users

Use Cases

  1. Use Case: Collaboration
  2. Asynchronous Tasks


  1. Cable - actual connection
  2. Channel - what to listen for on the rails side
  3. Broadcast - send info out from rails through channel
  4. Subscription - client side listening and receiving data from server

Best to always use ActionJob to broadcast, to help avoid missed messages no session, only cookies github.com/jwo

Secrets of Testing Rails 5 Apps


Test Runner

bin/rails test

Much better documentation

Can run multiple specific tests!

  • groups by folder, too

Backtrace option: -b

Stop at first failure: -f

Colored Output!

  • active by default

Integration tests are much faster

  • deprecating controller tests since there is no diff in speed anymore

Backward compatible tests!

Rails 5 discourages testing controller view interface space

Rspec and Rails 5


Keynote: Aaron Patterson

Performance is always about tradeoffs

Why not speed up ruby?

  • no need to write slow code elsewhere