
Data used in the making of the paper "Assessing Mock Classes: An Empirical Study", by Gustavo Pereira and André Hora, accepted at ICSME 2020

Assessing Mock Classes: An Empirical Study Data


This repository contains the data extracted from 12 open-source projects regarding Java classes that was used to make the paper Assessing Mock Classes: An Empirical Study Data, by Gustavo Pereira and André Hora, accepted for publication at the 36th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution.


The data is contained in a text file separated by semicolons (';'). Each row describes the features of a single Java class. It has fifteen columns:

  • ProjectName: String representing the project's name, stated as its name on GitHub

  • Filename: String representing the name (path) of the file that contains the class

  • Classname: String representing the name of the class

  • LOC: Integer representing the number of code lines of the class

  • Visibility: Indicates the Java visibility of the class (private, protected, package or public)

  • IsMock: Boolean (True or False) representing whether the class is classified as mock class by the paper's heuristic or not

  • Extensions: Integer (0 or 1) representing how many classes the current one extends

  • Implementations: Integer (0+) representing how many interfaces the current classs implements

  • PrivateMethods: Integer (0+) representing how many private methods the class have

  • ProtectedMethods: Integer (0+) representing how many protected methods the class have

  • PackageMethods: Integer (0+) representing how many package methods the class have

  • PublicMethods: Integer (0+) representing how many public methods the class have

  • TotalMethods: Integer (0+) representing how many methods in total the class have regardless of their visibilities

  • IsStaticClass: Boolean (True or False) representing whether the class is or not static

  • MethodOverrides: Integer (0+) representing how many of the class' methods are overriding others