
Handling HTTP Statuses with Clojure(Script)

Primary LanguageClojure

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Handling HTTP Statuses with Clojure(Script), originally ported from the awesome Spray. Mostly a drop-in-place replacement for ring.util.response.

Latest version

Clojars Project


Generating HTTP responses

Functions take either a body, url, both or nothing as parameters in align to the spec.

(require '[ring.util.http-response :refer :all])

; {:status 100, :headers {}, :body ""}

(ok "body")
; {:status 200, :headers {}, :body "body"}

(created "url" "body")
; {:status 201, :headers {"Location" "url"}, :body "body"}

(found "url")
; {:status 302, :headers {"Location" "url"}, :body ""}

Asserting HTTP responses

Available for both Clojure & ClojureScript.

(require '[ring.util.http-predicates :as predicates])

(predicates/ok? {:status 200})
; true

(predicates/not-found? {:status 404})
; true

Status codes & documentation

For referring HTTP codes by name & for api docs like Swagger.

(require '[ring.util.http-status :as status])

; 200

; 404

(status/get-name 404)
; "Not Found"

(status/get-description 404)
; "The requested resource could not be found but may be available again in the future."

(status/status 404)
; {:name "Not Found"
;  :description "The requested resource could not be found but may be available again in the future."}

Throwing error responses

All response functions for HTTP error response have a exception throwing sibling with a bang in the name (bad-request & bad-request!). These functions Slingshot the response wrapped in an ExceptionInfo.

(bad-request "fail")
; {:status 400, :headers {}, :body "fail"}

(bad-request! "fail")
; clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: throw+: {:type :ring.util.http-response/response, :response {:status 400, :headers {}, :body "fail"}}

There is also a throw! function to slingshot any kind response in an exception.

(throw! (header (bad-request "body") "header" "value"))
; clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: throw+: {:type :ring.util.http-response/response, :response {:status 400, :headers {"header" "value"}, :body "body"}}

Catching thrown HTTP responses

Middleware ring.middleware.http-response/wrap-http-response catches thrown HTTP-responses and returns the responses within. See the facts for examples.

Migrating from ring.util.response

  1. add the dependency
  2. change your imports from ring.util.response to ring.util.http-response
  3. convert your responses to use the correct HTTP-terms:
    • 200: response => ok
    • 302: redirect => found
    • 303: redirect-after-post => see-other
  4. enjoy

created and not-found are same in both packages. Also rest of the public vars in ring.util.response are available via ring.util.http-response. These include: status, header, file-response, content-type, find-header, get-header, update-header, charset, set-cookie, response? resource-data, url-response and resource-response.


Original code: Copyright © 2011-2013 the spray project http://spray.io.

Copyright © 2014-2016 Metosin Oy

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.