
Measure driving averages

Primary LanguageJava


How to run the application

  • In any terminal, Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/gharraph/RootKata.git
  • Change directory to:
  • run the following command to compile the code :
javac  RootKata/DrivingHistoryApp.java
  • run the following command to run the application:
java RootKata/DrivingHistoryApp testFile.txt
  • please note that I included a test file with the application for testing. You can include any other files in the same directory, and replace the testFile.txt argurment with the name of the new file.
  • To run unit tests, change directory to RootKata (root folder for the project). run the following command:
./gradlew test

Solution Analysis:

  • To parse the input file I chose HashMap data structure with Driver name as the key for the map, and list of trips as the value for each driver.
  "Alex":[<trip:startTime, endTime, milesDriven>, <trip:startTime, endTime, milesDriven>], 
  "Dan":[<trip:startTime, endTime, milesDriven>], 
  • This helped associating all trips to their driver owner. I chose the driver name as the key, but in real application I would recommend driver identifier as the key, however, given the input file in the exercise problem the driver name will suffice.
  • Used Junit 4 with Hamcrest matchers for unit testing.
  • Object used in my solutions are: Trip, and DriverSummaryRecord. I would typicaly use an object for driver, but, as the problem is simple enough using only driver first name, String object suffice.
  • The parser class is static class, as it does not have any state.
  • I did not need to use any mocking frawork as problem is simple, as most of the logic are in the parser class.
  • For simplicity I used LocalTime library for the start and end time of the trips.
  • I had to use comparator class to output driver summary record in the order specified.