Ghasedak sms webservice python package.
You can simply install ghasedak python package with pip
pip install ghasedakpack
import ghasedakpack
#create an instance:
sms = ghasedakpack.Ghasedak("Your APIKEY")
#send a single message to a single number:
sms.send({'message':'hello, world!', 'receptor' : '09xxxxxxxxx', 'linenumber': 'xxxx', 'senddate': '', 'checkid': ''})
#send a single message to multiple numbers:
sms.bulk1({'message':'hello, world!', 'receptor' : '09xxxxxxxxx,09xxxxxxxxx,09xxxxxxxxx', 'linenumber': 'xxxx', 'senddate': '', 'checkid': ''})
#send multiple massages to multiple numbers:
sms.bulk2({'message':'hello, world!,another massage', 'receptor' : '09xxxxxxxxx,09xxxxxxxxx,09xxxxxxxxx', 'linenumber': 'xxxx', 'senddate': '', 'checkid': ''})
#get the status of massages:
print(sms.status({'id': 'messageId', 'type': '1'}))
#send verification massages:
sms.verification({'receptor': '09xxxxxxxxx','type': '1','template': 'Your Template','param1': '','param2': '','param3': ''})
Released under the MIT License.