
This repo holds the code for Ahoy test App

Primary LanguageSwift


This repo holds the code for Ahoy test App


About App

This is a simple app which basically fetches weather data for 10 days from the given API, and parses the JSON response into models which are Codable structs & ultimately displaying it in a tableview. Every cell is a weather information for a day which displays image for the weather, degree, date. On tapping any of the item, user can get into the detail screen.

Note for the Reviewers

Covered all required activities

  • List of weather data for X number of days (Scrollable)
  • Tapping on an item should open weather details view
  • Call an API to get the weather information
  • Use best practices for app architecture whenever possible - _(MVVM pattern followed)
  • Unit tests using XCTest
  • Simple UI tests using XCUITest
  • Should Support orientation
  • Local Notifications to show weather alert
  • Settings view to change from Centigrade to Fahrenheit and vice versa
  • Offline/Local storage (preferably Realm Framework)
  • Presentable or Intuitive UI/UX
  • Multiple variants for different environments (development-staging-production)
  • Update weather info frequently in the background

Running the app

Once you have clonned the app to your local system, you can fire-up the app by opening Weather.xcodeproj_ file.

Unit Testing

Since the app has no complex business logic to test as such, I've written a simple test case to cover the APIService call made to fetch the data from the server, and ViewModel, Datasource

Running Test cases

Please run entire test cases by pressing Commad+U

UI Test cases

  • Displaying the tableview and tap each cell and go back to home screen