
Utilities, helpers, and wrappers for dealing with Miva Merchant Provisioning API's

Primary LanguagePHP

Miva PHP Provision Tools

These are a set of libraries and wrappers for dealing with Miva Merchant Enterprise Provisioning.

Right now, only enterprise customers of Miva Merchant have access to use their provisioning API. This may or may not change in the future.

XML & SOAP Client

This wrapper makes it super simple to programatically send your Miva Merchant Provisioning XML File to your Miva Merchant Installation.

Usage Example:

use Miva\Provisioning\Client;
use Miva\Provisioning\Request;

$client = new Client('https://www.mystorefront.com/mm5/', 'MYTOKENHERE');

$request = new Request();

$request->setContent('<Provision> ... </Provision>);

$response = $client->doRequest($request);

Provision XML Builder

This library allows you to programatically construct a valid Miva Merchant Provision XML File.

Usage Example:

use Miva\Provisioning\Builder\Builder;
use Miva\Provisioning\Builder\Fragment\StoreCreate;
use Miva\Provisioning\Builder\Fragment\ProductAdd;

$storeCode = 'STORE_CODE';

$builder = new Builder($storeCode);

$storeCreate = new StoreCreate();

// alternately:
// $builder->addFragment($storeCreate);

$productAdd = new ProductAdd();

  ->setName('Product Name')
  ->setDescription('Product Description')

$builder->addFragmentToStore($productAdd, $storeCode)
// alternately:
// $builder->addFragment($productAdd, $storeCode);

$xml = $builder->toXml(); //completed XML Document

// you can then send it with the client

$client = new Client('https://www.mystorefront.com/mm5/', 'MYTOKENHERE');

$request = new Request($xml);

$response = $client->doRequest($request);

echo $response->getContent(); 


You can pull the source and use your own/existing class loader, or you can simply use composer.

Via Composer

    "require": {
        "ghassani/miva-provision" : "dev-master"

Via PHAR Package



This is still a work in progress

Enjoy! If you would like to contribute, feel free to send in pull requests.