
Implement Long-polling using XHR to see posts sent from admin dynamically with no refresh needed

Primary LanguageHTML



  • Python: 3.7.1
  • Flask: 1.0.2
  • Flask-marshmallow: 0.9.0
  • marshmallow: 3.0.0b6
  • marshmallow-sqlalchemy: 0.15.0
  • sqlalchemy: 1.2.12
  • Flask-sqlalchemy: 2.3.2
  • Flask-script: 2.0.6
  • Flask-Cors: 3.0.7

How to run

After installing the requirements, create the database by below command:

  python manage.py initdb

Note: Path of the database is relative, so if you encountered a database error enter the path explicitly (set the dir_path variable) Now run the Server using below command:

  python manage.py run

Server will be run on Ip: localhost and port: 5000 by default.
Open admin.html and click on View Posts and New Post and open them in seperate tabs.
Add some posts and now you can see that new posts can be seen in view posts tab dunamically and on-demand. You can also edit or delete posts and see that all changes can be updated without ANY REFRESH.