An easy, convenient way to automatically update Homebrew.
This script will run once every 24 hours, doing brew update
brew upgrade
and brew cleanup
can also be handled automatically but are
optional flags.
Just brew tap domt4/autoupdate
brew autoupdate --start [--upgrade] [--cleanup] [--enable-notification]:
Start autoupdating every 24 hours.
If --upgrade is specified, also automatically upgrade your packages.
If --cleanup is specified, also automatically cleanup old packages after upgrade.
If --enable-notification is specified, send a notification when the
autoupdate process has finished successfully, if terminal-notifier
is installed & found.
brew autoupdate --stop:
Stop autoupdating, but retain plist & logs.
brew autoupdate --delete:
Cancel the autoupdate, delete the plist and logs.
brew autoupdate --version:
Output this tool's current version.
It's not required but if you use this update script I'd recommend not permitting
Homebrew to automatically update itself every time brew install
brew upgrade
or brew tap
are executed by adding this to your shell profile:
Code is under the BSD 2 Clause (NetBSD) license.