
This is an unofficial ruby client for the Github API. The end goal is a complete, simple, and intuitive ruby API for all things Github.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


This is an unofficial ruby client for the GitHub API. The end goal is a complete, simple, and intuitive ruby API for all things Github.


Instantiate the client with basic auth:

gh = Ghee.basic_auth("rauhryan","password")

Instantiate the client with auth token:

gh = Ghee.access_token("1234oijgakjioewj1o4oij")

Create an OAuth access token:

user_name, password, scopes = "rauhryan", "secret", "repos, user"
token = Ghee.create_token(user_name, password, scopes)


List a user's gists:


List authenticated users gists:


List all public gists:


List the authenticated user's starred gists:


Get a single gist:

gist_id = "1393990"

Create a gist (see docs for all possible params):

  :description => 'Ghee'
  :public => true,
  :files => {
    'file1.txt' => {
      :content => 'buttah yo bread'

Edit a gist:

  :files => {
    'gistfile1.md' => {
      :content => 'clarified I say'

Star a gist:


Unstar a gist:


Check if a gist is starred:


Delete a gist:



Get a single repo:

gh.repos("rauhryan", "ghee")

Get the hooks for a repo:

gh.repos("rauhryan", "ghee").hooks

Get a single hook for a repo:

gh.repos("rauhryan", "ghee").hooks(12)

Create a hook for a repo: (see docs for all possible params):

gh.repos("rauhryan", "ghee").hooks.create({
  :name => "web",
  :config => {:url => "http://huboard.com/webhook"}

Update a hook for a repo: (see docs for all possible params):

gh.repos("rauhryan", "ghee").hooks(12).patch({
  :name => "web",
  :config => {:url => "http://huboard.com/webhook"}

Destroy a hook for a repo:

gh.repos("rauhryan", "ghee").hooks(1).destory

Get the milestones for a repo:

gh.repos("rauhryan", "ghee").milestones

Get a single milestone for a repo:

gh.repos("rauhryan", "ghee").milestones(12)

Create a milestone for a repo: (see docs for all possible params):

gh.repos("rauhryan", "ghee").milestones.create({
  :title => "Remove the suck!",
  :description => "I found this suck, remove it please"

Update a milestone for a repo: (see docs for all possible params):

gh.repos("rauhryan", "ghee").milestones(12).patch({
  :description => "I found this suck, remove it please"

Destroy a milestone for a repo:

gh.repos("rauhryan", "ghee").milestones(1).destory

Get the issues for a repo:

gh.repos("rauhryan", "ghee").issues

Get a single issue for a repo:

gh.repos("rauhryan", "ghee").issues(12)

Create an issue for a repo: (see docs for all possible params):

gh.repos("rauhryan", "ghee").issues.create({
  :title => "Remove the suck!",
  :body => "I found this suck, remove it please"

Update an issue for a repo: (see docs for all possible params):

gh.repos("rauhryan", "ghee").issues(12).patch({
  :body => "I found this suck, remove it please"

Close an issue for a repo:

gh.repos("rauhryan", "ghee").issues(12).close

Get the closed issues for a repo:

gh.repos("rauhryan", "ghee").issues(12).closed

Get the comments for an issue:

gh.repos("rauhryan", "ghee").issues(12).comments

Get a single comment for an issue

gh.repos("rauhryan", "ghee").issues.comments(482910)

Create a comment for an issue:

gh.repos("rauhryan", "ghee").issues(12).comments.create({:body => "hey i'll help fix that suck"})

Update a single comment for an issue

gh.repos("rauhryan", "ghee").issues.comments(482910).patch({:body =>
      "nevermind I can't figure it out"})

Destroy a comment for an issue

gh.repos("rauhryan", "ghee").issues.comments(482910).destroy


Get a list of orgs for the current user:


Get a specific org:


Patch an organization:(see docs for all possible params):

gh.orgs("huboard").patch({ :company => "awesome company" })

Get a list of repos for an org:


Notes: see above for all the available api methods for repos

Get a list of teams for an org:


Get a single team for an org:


Create team for an org:

gh.orgs("huboard").teams.create :name => "awesome_developers"

Patch a team for an org:

gh.orgs("huboard").teams(110234).patch :name => "junior_developers"

Delete a team for an org:


Get a list of members for a team:


Add a member to a team:


Remove a member from a team:



Get a single team:


Create a team:

gh.team.create :name => "awesome_developers"

Patch a team:

gh.team(110234).patch :name => "junior_developers"

Delete a team:


Get a list of members for a team:


Add a member to a team:


Remove a member from a team:



Get a single user:


Get the authenticated user:


Update authenticated user (see docs for all possible params):

  :name => 'Jon Hoyt',
  :email => 'jonmagic@gmail.com',
  # …etc

Get a list of repos for the current user:


Get a list of repos for a specific user:


Get a single repos for the current user:


Get a single repos for a specific user:


Notes: see above for all the available api methods for repos

Get a list of orgs for the current user:


Get a list of orgs for a specific user:


Notes: see above for all the available api methods for orgs


List public events:



Ghee fully supports pagination for anything that returns a list, for example repo issues.

gh.repos("rauhryan","huboard").issues.paginate(:per_page => 30, :page => 1) #=> returns first page of issues
gh.repos("rauhryan","huboard").issues.paginate(:per_page => 30, :page => 2) #=> returns page two of issues
gh.repos("rauhryan","huboard").issues.paginate(:per_page => 30, :page => 2).first_page #=> 1
gh.repos("rauhryan","huboard").issues.paginate(:per_page => 30, :page => 2).last_page #=> 4
gh.repos("rauhryan","huboard").issues.paginate(:per_page => 30, :page => 2).next_page #=> 3
gh.repos("rauhryan","huboard").issues.paginate(:per_page => 30, :page => 2).prev_page #=> 1

Ghee also provides a convienence method for all the pages

gh.repos("rauhryan","huboard").issues.all #=> return all the pages

Filtering parameters

Many of the api calls allow you to pass in additional paramters to filter and sort your data, for example issues provide

  • filter
    • assigned
    • mentioned
    • subscribed
    • created
  • state
    • open closed default
  • labels
    • list of labels comma delimited herp,derp
  • direction
    • asc or desc

These can all be passed into ghee through an options hash:

gh.repos("rauhryan", "huboard").issues(:state => "closed", :sort => "desc")

Note you can also change parameters with pagination!

gh.repos("rauhryan", "huboard").issues(:state => "closed").all


The test suite uses VCR to cache actual requests to the Github API in a directory called responses in the spec directory.

In order for VCR to make and cache the actual calls to the Github API you will need to copy spec/settings.yml.sample to spec/settings.yml and configure it with your GitHub username, either a GitHub access token or your GitHub password, a test repo for it to hit against (which you should setup ahead of time), and finally an organization you belong to (for the entire suite of tests to pass you have to belong to an org).

This file is ignored by git (see .gitignore) so you can commit any changes you make to the gem without having to worry about your user/token/pass/org being released into the wild.

Now run the test suite:

bundle exec rake


If you'd like to hack on Ghee, start by forking the repo on GitHub:


The best way to get your changes merged back into core is as follows:

  1. Clone down your fork
  2. Create a thoughtfully named topic branch to contain your change
  3. Hack away
  4. Add tests and make sure everything still passes by running bundle exec rake
  5. If you are adding new functionality, document it in the README
  6. Do not change the version number, we will do that on our end
  7. If necessary, rebase your commits into logical chunks, without errors
  8. Push the branch up to GitHub
  9. Send a pull request for your branch
