React Pokedex

A single page app that lists all first generation Pokemon (ie: the first 150). The app communicates with the open source PokeApi for all Pokemon-related data. All data requests are facilitated by pokeapi-typescript. Sprites are installed from PokeAPI/sprites.

Current Features:

  • Pokemon are lazilly loaded as they scroll into view
  • Clicking on any Pokemon card will open a modal with further details
  • Users are able to filter Pokemon
  • Users are able to favourite Pokemon


  1. npm install Please note that this can take some time as a large number of assets are downloaded. Download times vary, but can be up to 6 minutes.
  2. npm start Runs the app in the development mode.
    Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

Submission Instructions

Please feel free to make any code adjustments or improvements you feel are necessary to achieve your solution.

When complete, please submit your work by pushing into your github and send the public github repository. Have fun!


Users are currently able to filter pokemon either 1) by name using a query string and 2) by whether a pokemon is a favourite or not. Provide users with a third way to filter pokemon: by their type. Users should be able to filter by both single and multiple types. A PokemonTypeIcon component is available for use (though you are not required to use it) and types are available through the PokeApi. Take liberty with the design and use any UI elements you see fit.