
Primary LanguageShell

ghetto.sh VPN Builder

tl;dr: I really wanted to use themattrix/bash-concurrent.

This is a simple openvpn server provisioner - meant to provide clients with a regularly rotating internet entrypoint using AWS t2 micros.

This is primarily for personal use, but it's not totally unsociable. I made it because other solutions required too much money or were too unwieldy. I wanted some flexibility and a low degree of complexity/dependencies.

The intention is to use this script to generate new openvpn servers every so often. After connecting to these instances, you should only use Tor from your machine, using a transparent proxy. The goal is to conceal your activity from your home ISP. If you need a picture:

[you:vpn][tor] -> internet

Required Reading

These projects are used:

I am very thankful for these people and their hard work.

If you are looking for user-friendliness/convenience/configuration management:


build_vpn.sh will only run from a Linux host. Additionally, you will need:

  • jq
  • git
  • bash
  • awscli (can be virtualenv!)
  • openssh

Bastion Host

The ideal scenario is that you have an AWS account tied to an identity other than your own. The bastion host represents the station you use to maintain a particular identity. It can be the machine you're attempting to anonymize from. It can also be a router instance on a Qubes machine for example. In my examples below it is the default gateway in the LAN that houses the machines used to maintain this identity.


On this secure host you should have a virtualenv. Set it up however you want, but here is the minimum:

virtualenv ~/aws
pip install awscli
mkdir ~/.aws

Keep in mind, you will probably need development libraries to build some of the crypto extensions.

You must also have a file in your home directory containing your AWS access key id and secret access key

$ cat ~/.aws/credentials
aws_access_key_id =  abcd123
aws_secret_access_key = 456qewrty

What Does it Look Like?

assuming you have a virtualenv in ~aws with awscli installed, and a bastion host at bastion, a client would somehow execute the following to roll a new VPN. This is flexible enough to be worked into embedded devices and even crappy GUI functions like menu -> new vpn.

hidden $ ssh bastion "source ~/aws/bin/activate && ~/ghetto.sh/build_vpn.sh --build" # returns lazybear627
hidden $ ssh bastion "source ~/aws/bin/activate && ~/ghetto.sh/build_vpn.sh lazybear666" | sudo tee /etc/openvpn/aws.conf
hidden $ sudo systemctl restart openvpn@aws

At this point you are def-1 routed through a new openvpn server in AWS, that only you can communicate with.

An Example Workflow

For example: we decide we want to build a new VPN instance, so we ssh to our secure bastion host and direct it to build us a new instance

04:20:00 ~ > ssh -t "source ~/aws/bin/activate && ~/ghetto.sh/build_vpn.sh --build" 
   OK   choosing a region ( we got region: eu-central-1 (germany) )
   OK   making a random name ( we got name: crazybird420 )
   OK   detecting my ip address ( we shall authorize )
   OK   building private key ( private key built: crazybird420 )
   OK   building cloud-config ( cloud-config built: cloud-init-scripts/crazybird420.yml )
   OK   creating security group ( security group created: crazybird420 )
   OK   authorize tcp 22 ( authorized for 22 (tcp) ingress )
   OK   authorize udp 1194 ( authorized for 1194 (udp) ingress )
   OK   sending build command ( sent build command for ami-f0e8f09c, we are i-d000000000000000d )
   OK   setting instance tags ( set tags on the instance: i-d000000000000000d )
   OK   getting public IP ( we got ip address 456.456.456.456 )
   OK   updating /etc/hosts ( added 456.456.456.456 crazybird420 to /etc/hosts )
   OK   sending SIGHUP to dnsmasq ( sighup sent )
   OK   wait for ssh ( it's up, server time is Wed Apr 20 04:20:02 UTC 2016
   OK   send openvpn scripts ( sent the scripts to the server )
   OK   setup openvpn server

We have created a new vpn instance, let's look at our current routing table. we can see that we're already using an openvpn def-1 route to 789.789.789.789:

04:20:04 ~ > ip rou sh via dev tun0 
default via dev br0  src  metric 204 
789.789.789.789 via dev br0 via dev tun0 dev br0  proto kernel  scope link  src  metric 204 via dev tun0 dev tun0  proto kernel  scope link  src 

So we login to our bastion host and pass the shortname of the vpn instance we just received to the build.sh script.

04:20:06 ~ > ssh "source ~/aws/bin/activate && ~/ghetto.sh/build_vpn.sh crazybird420" | \
> sudo tee /etc/openvpn/aws.conf && sudo systemctl restart openvpn@aws
STDERR: Attempting to create a client config on crazybird420
[ truncated ]

This echo'd out an openvpn configuration, and overwrote whatever was in /etc/openvpn/aws.conf - if that was successful. it restarted openvpn. We now have a new default gateway:

04:20:08 ~ > ip rou sh via dev tun0 
default via dev br0  src  metric 204 
456.456.456.456 via dev br0 via dev tun0 dev br0  proto kernel  scope link  src  metric 204 via dev tun0 dev tun0  proto kernel  scope link  src 


  • write a cleanup() function and try to handle wherever applicable
  • create a way to terminate instances easily, also cleaning /etc/hosts
  • investigate how we could cause the traffic to enter AWS and exit through another instance. The two hosts could build in parallel :-)