
A VSCode extension for viewing, and modifying system object attributes from a sandbox instance, or from exported metadata files.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

sfcc-metadata-explorer README


This extension consists of a tree view in the explorer to navigate through your sandbox metadata. There are several actions that can be applied to any given piece of metadata in order to read & modify the metadata in your sandbox.

This extension provides Salesforce Comerce Cloud (SFCC) developers with an alternate method for manipulating the metadata for system objects defined on a SFCC instance, but the functionality is limited to the most common things that I do as a developer.

If you find bugs, please log them to the github repository and I will do my best to fix. Issues on Github.com

Requirements for Use

  • A Sales Force Commerce Cloud (SFCC) sandbox instance is required. Obvious, I know!
  • A dw.json configuration file is required to setup the connection to your SFCC sandbox isntance(s). This is in a format also used by the Prophet Debugger VSCode extension [1], and dwupload [2]
  • You must configure your Open Commerce API settings to allow access for the API calls that are needed.
  • You must configure webDAV access for your client ID to use the "Get full XML" command for the Systems Objects.

VSCode Settings

  • extension.sfccmetadata.explorer.systemobjects
    • Enable/disable the view of system object definitions in the explorer view.
    • default: true
  • extension.sfccmetadata.explorer.customobjects
    • Enable/disable the view of custom object definitions in the explorer view.
    • default: true
  • extension.sfccmetadata.explorer.sitepreferences
    • Enable/disable the view of Site Preferences in the explorer view.
    • default: true
  • extension.sfccmetadata.ocapi.version
    • Configure the version of the OCAPI API that you are calling.
    • default: 20.4
  • extension.sfccmetadata.ocapi.clientid
    • Configure the client ID used for calling the OCAPI API.
    • default: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  • extension.sfccmetadata.ocapi.clientpassword
    • Configure the client password used for calling the OCAPI API.
    • default: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  • extension.sfccmetadata.sfcc.username
    • Configure the SFCC username used for OCAPI auth token.
  • extension.sfccmetadata.sfcc.userpass
    • Configure the SFCC user's password used for OCAPI auth token.
  • extension.sfccmetadata.sfcc.hostname
    • Configure the SFCC instance to use.

Open Commerce API Access Setup

In order to make OCAPI calls to a SFCC instance you need to setup access to the desired API calls in Business Manager > Application > Site Development > Open Commerce API Settings. Currently this extension only uses the Data API, and access does not need to be setup for the Meta, or Shop APIs. The included example allows access to all resources, but could be modified only allow the calls that are needed.

Example OCAPI Access Config

   "clients": [
         "resources": [

Sandbox Connection Setup

SFCC Metadata Explorer requires that you have a dw.json file in the root of your SFCC workspace wich contains the connection information for your sandbox.

Example dw.json Config

    "code-version": "version1",
    "hostname": "<Your Sandbox URL (example: dev01-na01-domain.demandware.net)>",
    "username": "<Your Sandbox User Name>",
    "password": "<Your Sandbox User Password>"

The extension is currently setup to use the default OCAPI application ID & password if the settings are not configured in the matching VSCode settings:

  • Default Application ID: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  • Default Application Password: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Basic Tree View - View System Object Information

  • View System Object Definitions

  • View a list of Custom Object Definitions.

  • View Attribute Definitions of System Object

  • View Attribute Groups of a System Object

  • View Site Preference Configurations by Site.

Context Menu : System Object : Implemented Edit/Delete Operations

  • Add Attribute Definition to System Object

  • Add Attribute Definition to Group

  • Delete Attribute Group

  • Delete Attribute Definition

  • Remove Attribute From Group

  • Set Site Preference Value.

Context Menu : System Object : Implemented XML Operations

  • Get Attribute XML

  • Get Attribute Group XML

Context Menu : System Objects Root Node: Implemented XML Operations

  • Get full system-objecttype-definitions.xml export from the server.



[1] Prophet Debugger: A VSCode extension for debugging SFCC JavaScript code, watching for code changes and uploading code, as well as viewing log files.

[2] dwupload: An npm package used to upload files to a SFCC sandbox from the command line.


The Icon for this extension is taken from the the Wikimedia Commons page here: File:Pictograms-nps-misc-scenic viewpoint.svg

  • Attribution: NPS Graphics, converted by User:ZyMOS [Public domain]

Known Issues

This is a list of known issues that are results of incompatabilities, or limited scope of work. Issues / Bugs relating to the expected functionality of the extension can be foundon the github repository issues page.

  • The context-menu command for `Get Full XML Export' only works with system object definitions for now and will show a warnig otherwise.
  • The maximum number of attribute that will be fetched is 700. If a system object has more than 700 attributes...whoah?
  • The maximum number of attribute groups that will be fetched is 150.
    • @TODO: Update these to VSCode adjustable settings.
  • The call to get all system object definitions returns all of the system and all of the custom object definitions, but there is not currently an OCAPI call to get a list custom object definitions. When getting the custom objects from the SystemObjectDefinitions OCAPI resource, the object_type field is listed as CustomObject and the link field is also a call to get the system object definition for the CustomObject type. This leaves no way to get enumerate the custom object definitions because the further details because the ID is needed to make the individual calls to the ocapi CustomObjectDefinitions resource.
