Quantum Gate Quest

Quantum Gate Quest is a classic 2D dungeon crawler whose puzzles are powered by IBM's quantum technology!

Author: Nick Bartzokas

In Quantum Gate Quest, you find yourself trapped in a maze. In order to escape, you need to solve quantum gate puzzles, walk across quantum gates, and manipulate a qubit to unlock blocked passageways. Learn the effects of each kind of gate in order to win. Good luck with your Quantum Gate Quest!

Project stack: python + Qiskit, javascript + PhaserJS

Install and Run

  • Install Python 3.7.5 and pip 19.3.1
  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install all python requirements
  • Run npm install to install all npm requirements
  • Run npm start to webpack the project and run the python server
  • Open to play the game


The project's back-end is written in Python using IBM's Qiskit. All backend code is in server.py. The front-end is written with the Javascript library Phaser.


Project authored by Nick Bartzokas. Thanks to CC0/public domain contributors Juhani Junkala for music and Kenney for graphics.