
Dynamically return a CSS/JS asset from a rev-manifest.json file generated by Gulp/Grunt

Primary LanguageColdFusion


Dynamically return a CSS/JS asset from a JSON manifest file for management of cachebusted filenames as generated by Gulp/Grunt build pipelines in ColdFusion applications.

What does this do?

In modern web apps, we concatenate and minify our CSS and JS to improve the performance of our applications. For performance we enable long-lived caching headers to minimize repeat downloads. This requires us to change the filename each time we modify an asset (or else 'styles.css' won't be re-downloaded and the user won't see our changes if they've previously visited our site).

We use Gulp, an awesome Javascript-based task runner, to handle the concatenation and minification. We also use a plugin gulp-rev to automatically rename the file based on the contents to give it a unique name like styles-j2l3zYq59kj.css.

The challenge, therefore, is how to get this always-changing filename into our markup for delivery to the user? One option is gulp-inject which will update the HTML with the new CSS/JS filenames but this causes noisy commits. Instead, we created this very lightweight asset manager which reads a JSON file and translates from original to cachebusted name:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="#asset.getAsset('style.css')#">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles-j2l3zYq59kj.css">

Generate rev-manifest.json

You can generate your manifest file many ways. We do it as part of a Gulp build pipeline that regenerates this file every time we modify a CSS or JS file. We have used https://www.npmjs.com/package/gulp-asset-manifest but currently use our own routine (in JS):

app.createManifest = function(assets, ignorePath) {
	var files = fs.readdirSync(assets);
	var relpath = app.removeBasePath(ignorePath, assets);
	var matches = {};

	for (var ii = 0; ii < files.length; ii++) {
		var f = files[ii];
		var ext = path.extname(f);
		if (ext == '.js' || ext == '.css') {
			// gulp-rev generates files like base-name-file-0123456789.ext where the hash is always 10 characters - we want everything up to that last hyphen before the hash
			matches[path.basename(f, ext).slice(0, -11) + ext] = relpath + f;

	// the 4 here causes it to pretty print the file for readability 
	fs.writeFileSync(assets + '/rev-manifest.json', JSON.stringify(matches, null, 4), 'utf-8');


During init (e.g. onApplicationStart), create the asset manager and feed it your manifest file:

<cfif NOT structKeyExists(application, "assets")>
    <cfset application.assets = createObject("component", "assets").init() />
<cfset application.assets.loadManifest(expandPath('./rev-manifest.json') />

Now in your HTML, you can output CSS/JS includes:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="#application.assets.getAsset('style.css')#"> 
<script src="#application.assets.getAsset('core.js')#"></script>

Development Mode

During development, use a flag to reload the manifest file on each request to catch updated filenames in onRequestStart like:

<cffunction name="onRequestStart" access="public" returntype="void" output="false">
	  <cfif TESTMODE>
		  <cfset loadAssetManifest() />