
django utilities allowing easy handling and configuration of jqGrids

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

= django-jqgrid =
django-jqgrid aims to make integrating full support for jqgrid as simple as
defining which models you want exposed, while still supporting the more
advanced features.

After unexpected interest, I have decided to provide an early release in the
form as a utility class. This release is not stable or intented for production
use. I will be cleaning up, restructuring (to a more flexible classed generic
handler), and adding documentation/examples soon. Until then, you have been 

== Prerequisites ==
  * [http://code.google.com/p/dojango/source/browse/trunk/dojango/util/__init__.py#97 json_encode]
  * [http://www.jquery.com jQuery 1.3+]
  * [http://www.trirand.com/blog/?page_id=6 jqGrid 3.5+]

== Example ==

1. First define your grid somewhere (e.g., grids.py). Only a model or queryset
   and a url are required.
class ExampleGrid(JqGrid):
    model = SomeFancyModel # could also be a queryset
    fields = ['id', 'name', 'desc'] # optional 
    url = reverse('grid_handler')
    caption = 'My First Grid' # optional
    colmodel_overrides = {
        'id': { 'editable': False, 'width':10 },

2. Create views to handle requests.
def grid_handler(request):
    # handles pagination, sorting and searching
    grid = ExampleGrid()
    return HttpResponse(grid.get_json(request), mimetype="application/json")

def grid_config(request):
    # build a config suitable to pass to jqgrid constructor   
    grid = ExampleGrid()
    return HttpResponse(grid.get_config(), mimetype="application/json")


3. Define urls for those views.
url(r'^examplegrid/$', grid_handler, name='grid_handler'),
url(r'^examplegrid/cfg/$', grid_config, name='grid_config'),

4. Configure jgrid to use the defined urls.
$(function () {
    $.getJSON("{% url grid_config %}", function(data){
                {add: false, edit: false, del: false, view: true},
        {}, // edit options
        {}, // add options
        {}, // del options 
        { multipleSearch:true, closeOnEscape:true }, // search options 
        { jqModal:false, closeOnEscape:true} // view options 