School bell is a remotely-controlled bell through a web interface. The idea is the device that run this app becomes a web and bell server. Everytime the button is pressed, the app will executing media player to play the bell audio files. The app is only tested and working succesfully on Linux, but other *nix variant that has the requirements below satisfied might work too.
- Go compiler (>=1.15.6)
- mpv
- pkill
$ # Clone this repository first
$ git clone`
$ # Then cd into the cloned directory
$ cd school-bell
$ # Run 'go build' to compile the code
$ go build
$ # And a new binary will be created in the directory
$ ls
static main.go school-bell
$ # Run the binary
$ ./school-bell
server started at localhost:8012
$ # Then open localhost:8012 on your browser
Right now everything is unfortunately hardcoded. If you want to change port,
http route, etc., you will need to change that in the main.go
and recompile again.
If you want to change the UI, e.g. background image, colors, you can just
edit the HTML and CSS files in the static
- Use Go library to play audio (faiface/beep seems promising)
- Add authentication