
Singleton wrapper around the OptimizelyX JS Client SDK

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

optimizely-singleton provides an easy way to setup and import an optimizely client instance without having to worry about instantiating it multiple times.


npm i optimizely-singleton

How to setup

Create a file optimizely-setup.js where you can define your own settings for Optimizely:

import OptimizelySingleton from 'optimizely-singleton'

let optimizelyClientInstance = new OptimizelySingleton({
  // Check https://developers.optimizely.com/x/solutions/sdks/reference/index.html?language=javascript#initialization for more options
  createInstanceParams: {
    skipJSONValidation: true
  url: 'https://cdn.optimizely.com/json/1234567890.json',
  onDataFetchError: (err) => {
    // Use your own error tracker
    // console.log(err)
  onDataFetchSuccess: (data, instance) => {
    // Here you can use the instance returned.
    // For example you can expose optimizelyClientInstance globally so that it can be used for integrations
    window.optimizelyClientInstance = instance

export default optimizelyClientInstance

How to use

Once you have a optimizely-setup.js file, you can simply import it an use it as you would normally do with optimizelyClientInstance

import optimizelyClientInstance from './optimizely-setup'

const variationKey = optimizelyClientInstance.activate(experimentName, userId)
if (variationKey === 'variation1') {
  // execute code for variation1
} else if (variationKey === 'variation2') {
  // execute code for variation2
} else {
  // execute default code