
An app to stream your favourite videos

Part of technical assessment, Please proceed to trivial_questions folder to see my solution for question 1 to 4

Setup the App API Server:

  1. Go to Server folder
cd DumbStreamingAPI
  1. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Copy the .env_example file with new name .env
cp .env_example .env
  1. Specify the environment accordingly, please edit your password and username, keep the DB_NAME, and you can also edit PORT (optional) (default: 5000)
  2. If you have MySql server installed, please run initiate_db.sql script to populate the DB first
mysql -u<your-username> -p<your-password> < initiate_db.sql
  1. Start the API server, now the API server is running on the port you specified before (default: 5000)
npm run dev
  1. Get back to the root folder
cd ..

Setup the Web App:

  1. Go to Web App folder
cd DumbStreamApp
  1. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Copy the .env_example file with new name .env
cp .env_example .env
  1. Specify the environment accordingly, if you edit PORT before in the server app, please specify that port in REACT_APP_API_URL (default: 5000)
  2. Run the Web App
npm run start