
helping intern to learn to connect to cloud sql db

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A repository to test connection to cloud SQL DB without exposing them to public IP. Designed to help you to just run the code in your environment

how to run

development in local

  1. make sure to install node js. I'm using version in file .nvmrc
  2. make sure to install all dependencies.
npm install
  1. for safer developer experience. please install gcloud cli https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/install
  2. copy .env.example to .env
cp .env.example .env
  1. make sure to copy your service account json file in credentials folder
  2. setup the environment variable in .env. see guide in that file for reference
  3. everything ready! just run
chmod +x cloud_sql_proxy
chmod +x deploy_to_local.sh

build using cloud build and deploy to cloud run

  1. make sure to practice the development in local guide first
  2. if you are sure, change your ENV variable to PROD
  3. run this
chmod +x deploy_to_cloud_run.sh
  1. if that command fails. check whether you have access to cloud run and cloud build (i assume you have)