
Audio player just for the use case of playing two local tracks simultaneously

Primary LanguageJava

⚠️ Disclaimer

We are not supporting this module at this moment, use by your own responsability.


  1. Integrate AmazingAudioEngine2 library first.
  2. Copy ghinwa-rn-preview-audio-player directory to your project.
  3. Add "ghinwa-rn-preview-audio-player": "file:./PATH_TO_PREVIEW_AUDIO_PLAYER_DIRECTORY" to the package.json file.
  4. Run npm install command.
  5. Open .xcodeproj file of your main Xcode project. In the Project Navigator, select your main project and expand it.
  6. Drag PreviewAudioPlayer.xcodeproj to your main project as it is presented on the screenshot below:
  7. Add paths of AudioPlayer and AmazingAudioEngine2 directories to the Header Search Paths setting (which can be found in Build Settings) of PreviewAudioPlayer.xcodeproj project.
  8. Drag libPreviewAudioPlayer.a to the Link Binary With Libraries build phase of your main project as on the attached screenshot.
  9. Enjoy using ghinwa-rn-preview-audio-player!