
Blurred Lines Live Wallpaper for android OpenGL ES 2.0 capable device

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION


This is small live wallpaper inspired by 1K demo "In the mist of web"

Usage: Home->Menu->Wallpapers->Live Wallpapers

Wallpaper should work properly on HTC Desire device.
If you have problems on your device please email me.

Speed improvements may be introduced in further version.

Live Wallpaper Open GL support used from andenginelivewallpaperextensio project
Detailed information on GLSurfaceView adaption for 3D Live Wallpapers:
GLWallpaperService imported from https://github.com/markfguerra/GLWallpaperService
Settings code based on https://github.com/JakeWharton/SnakeWallpaper project.

Build instructions

If you are using eclipse - simply import project.
In case you are using ant: copy local.properties.example to local.properties file
and edit sdk.path in it to point your android sdk installation directory.

New source repository

Project moved to following location: https://github.com/ghisguth/sunlight