
BitDay for GNOME

Primary LanguageMesonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


  ____    ______  ______  ____    ______   __    __ 
 /\  _`\ /\__  _\/\__  _\/\  _`\ /\  _  \ /\ \  /\ \
 \ \ \L\ \/_/\ \/\/_/\ \/\ \ \/\ \ \ \L\ \\ `\`\\/'/
  \ \  _ <' \ \ \   \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \  __ \`\ `\ /' 
   \ \ \L\ \ \_\ \__ \ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \ \/\ \ `\ \ \ 
    \ \____/ /\_____\ \ \_\ \ \____/\ \_\ \_\  \ \_\
     \/___/  \/_____/  \/_/  \/___/  \/_/\/_/   \/_/

BitDay, a beautiful dynamic pixel wallpaper, packaged for the GNOME desktop.


First, ensure Meson is available on your system.

Then, run the following commands:

meson --prefix=/usr builddir
ninja -C builddir install


The default timings for the dynamic wallpaper were taken from the BitDay-for-Windows configuration. They can be adjusted either in file backgrounds/bitday-timed.xml.in before installation, or in file /usr/share/backgrounds/bitday/bitday-timed.xml post installation.


This project is licensed under the same terms as BitDay-for-Windows where the images were originally sourced from.