
A CSS-in-Gleam package, made to work with frontend, backend, with your favorite framework!

Primary LanguageGleamMIT LicenseMIT


Sketch is a module providing CSS-in-Gleam in its simpler form. Sketch does not try to add complicated API on top of CSS. If you have CSS knowledge, you'll feel right at home, with all the niceties offered by Sketch, i.e. type-checking of sizes and push-to-browser stylesheets of your classes, as well as SSR support.

Sketch has currently only one run mode: directly in your browser to leverage on all abilities of the JS runtime. It also allows you to build three types of CSS classes: dynamic ones, changing over time, static ones, compiled once at each render, and memoized ones, compiled once and for all, and reused during the entire lifetime of the application, just like classic CSS stylesheets.

Sketch is thought to interact nicely with Lustre, but can also be used directly in your vanilla Gleam application or in your fully-featured application. This should probably only be considered to create custom framework or to integrate Sketch in your favorite framework, because Sketch has its own lifecycle to render styles. More informations can be found in the docs.

Sketch targets both the JS and the BEAM ecosystem. You can use it transparently no matter the target you're using. Sketch works in frontend, backend, SSR, SSG, with OTP actors or on Node. While sketch tries to be transparent, it does not compromise with performances, and tries to leverage on every abilities of the different platforms (and uses a custom renderer both for BEAM and JS, to ensures sparkling performances in your browser)!

The rest of this README will focus to get you started quickly with a lustre example, and some details on the available functions. If you want to know more on how sketch is working, how to use lustre with SSR or SSG, heads up to the documentation directly! Bonus: if you're using server components, just follow this guide, everything will be working directly!


Sketch is published on Hex. Add it to your project by using the gleam CLI.

gleam add sketch


If you're using Lustre (which is strongly recommended), you can just use the sketch/lustre.setup function and sketch/lustre.compose function.

Otherwise, you have to follow the lifecycle of Sketch, and use the three low-level functions create_cache, prepare and render. Create the cache with create_cache and before every repaint of your application, call prepare. After the repaint, synchronously, call render, and let the magic happen. Heads up in the docs for more details.

Example with Lustre — Frontend

import gleam/int
import lustre
import lustre/element/html
import lustre/event
import sketch
import sketch/lustre as sketch_lustre
import sketch/media
import sketch/options as sketch_options
import sketch/size.{px}

pub type Model =

pub type Msg {

pub fn main() {
  let init = fn(_) { 0 }

  let assert Ok(cache) =
    |> sketch_lustre.setup()

  let assert Ok(_) =
    |> sketch_lustre.compose(cache)
    |> lustre.simple(init, update, _)
    |> lustre.start("#app", Nil)

fn update(model: Model, msg: Msg) {
  case msg {
    Increment -> model + 1
    Decrement -> model - 1

fn main_class() {
    sketch.media(media.max_width(px(450)), [
  |> sketch.to_lustre()

fn color_class(model: Model) {
  let back = case model % 3 {
    0 -> "blue"
    _ -> "green"
  let id = "color-" <> back
  sketch.dynamic(id, [sketch.background(back)])
  |> sketch.to_lustre()

fn button_class() {
  [sketch.cursor("crosshair"), sketch.font_size(px(14))]
  |> sketch.class()
  |> sketch.to_lustre()

fn view(model: Model) {
  html.div([main_class()], [
    html.button([event.on_click(Decrement), button_class()], [html.text(" - ")]),
    html.div([color_class(model)], [html.text(int.to_string(model))]),
    html.button([event.on_click(Increment), button_class()], [html.text(" + ")]),

Compiling static classes

Sketch exposes a single function class allowing you to build your class. The first time your function is called, the corresponding styles will be compiled into CSS rules, and pushed in your browser or your <style> stylesheet. Every time you'll call the function during the render, no computation will be done, the class name will be returned, thanks to virtual stylesheet.

import sketch

fn my_class() -> String {
  |> sketch.to_class_name()

Compiling dynamic classes

Sketch exposes another function dynamic allowing you to build a dynamic class, changing over time. The first time the function is called, the properties in the declaration will be compiled into CSS, and a class with the name of the ID will be pushed in the browser. When a class with the same ID is found once again during the render, it will be kept, and reused. dynamic allows you to build different dynamic classes, with different ID. When you're generating the ID, if it does not exists in the stylesheet, it will be pushed in it, and kept at least till the next render. While a class function generates one class at every render, a dynamic function generates multiple classes at every render.

An ID should be provided at the moment, because the runtime is unable to distinguish between the dynamic classes, or at a high cost during computations: finding the ID of the new class to generate is a hard task by itself. While a solution is awaited to be found, be careful to provide a unique id for your dynamic class.

import gleam/bool
import sketch

fn my_dynamic_class(is_column: Bool) -> String {
  // id is unfortunately required at the moment.
  let id = "column-" <> bool.to_string(is_column)
  sketch.dynamic(id, [
    case is_column {
      True -> sketch.flex_direction("column")
      False -> sketch.flex_direction("row")
  |> sketch.to_class_name()

Memoizing a class

Sketch exposes a way to memoize a class: memo. memo allows to keep a generated class for ever. When called on a class, sketch will preserves the class for ever, and will includes the class in every render, as long as the virtual stylesheet exists. This allows to skip all computations work for every class computations later, and to increase performances render. Be careful, a class marked as memo will be then considered immutable and can never change.

Using media queries and pseudo-selectors

Because we're in CSS-in-Gleam, we can leverage on the full CSS power, contrarily to inline styling. This mean we can use media queries and pseudo-selectors! You only need to call the proper functions, and sketch will take care of the rest.

import sketch
import sketch/media
import sketch/size.{px}

fn my_class() {
    sketch.media(media.max_width(px(320)), [
  |> sketch.to_lustre()

The example above will be compiled to the following CSS.

.css-001 {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: row;
  background: red;

.css-001:hover {
  background: blue;

@media (max-width: 320px) {
  .css-001 {
    flex-direction: column;

  .css-001:hover {
    background: green;

Usage with Lustre — Details

Lustre is the recommended framework for frontend development in Gleam. Sketch tries to simplify as much the development with Lustre. That's why Sketch exposes a setup function. This function creates a cache, and returns it. Another function, compose allows to easily compose the cache with the view function of Lustre. It acts as a "hook" (lustre does not officially supports hooks right now): it setups the cache before the view, and render the stylesheet after the view has executed. It tries to be side-effect free in the view in order to have a predictable render in Lustre, and stick with the Elm architecture mindset.

Once setuped, you can use classes in your Lustre views: to_lustre(). Just use it in place of to_class_name() to get a Lustre attribute and use it in your views.

import gleam/list
import lustre/element/html
import sketch

// With a pipeline.
fn my_view() {
  |> sketch.class()
  |> sketch.to_lustre()
  |> list.repeat(1)
  |> html.div(_, [])

// With a dynamic class.
fn my_other_view(model: Bool) {
  let color = case model {
    True -> "red"
    False -> "blue"
  let id = "my-other-view-" <> color
    [sketch.to_lustre(sketch.dynamic(id, [sketch.background(color)]))],

Use with Shadow DOM

Sketch can work with a Shadow DOM, in order to hide the compiled styles from the rest of the application. To do it, you can use plinth. This allows to create a ShadowRoot, to use sketch/options.shadow_root(). In the same way you can initialize the cache to render in document or in a style node, you can now use a Shadow Root to paint styles in your application!

Some opinions on properties

A lot of properties are accessible directly through the sketch package. But with time, some could be added, and new features for existing features can appear. That's why sketch will never try to be on your way: at any time you can access property(), which allows you to push any arbitrary property in a class. Another thing is ç that sketch will always let you access raw, low-level properties. If you're trying to use something like sketch.width("auto") and the property does not support String, look for a variant with an underscore (_), it should fullfill your needs, like sketch.width_("auto")! In case something is missing or a property does not have its underscore alternative, open an issue — or better, a PR — on the repo!