
klue-level2-nlp-08 created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguagePython

Boostcamp KLUE Relation Extraction Competition

Code for 5th place in Boostcamp Klue RE comepetition. 3rd place by official best model.

For detailed documentation visit here


  • Ubuntu 18.04

Reproduction of the Best Model

You can reproduce the submission by retraining through the following steps:

Background Info


conda create -n klue_re python=3.6
conda activate klue_re
pip install -r requirements.txt

Data Source

In this competition, we used KLUE dataset for relation extraction, which can be downloaded from the link below: https://aistages-prod-server-public.s3.amazonaws.com/app/Competitions/000075/data/dataset.tar.gz


EDA can be seen from eda.ipynb file under data_eda_preprocessing folder


To get the final data we used, run cleanser.ipnyb to get a cleansed data pristine.csv, and use the file to run target_augment.ipynb to get a selectively augmented data, which is cleansed_target_augmented.csv.

Multiple augmentation techniques were applied but only few has proven valid. Targeting and augmenting the data that the 5-fold model was at least wrong once was effective. All other experiments were futile, although the experiments included techniques commonly accepted effective. Such techniques include back-translation, changing word seuqence, adding punctuation, replacing words with synonyms, and adding new words (Karimi et al.; wei et al.).

Using stratified_sentence_split.ipynb will produce a k-fold stratified data that does not have same sentences between train and validation set, but this technique has proven to not have much improvement.

The resulting directory should be structured as:

  - test.csv
  - train.csv
  - cleansed_target_augmented.csv




python train.py

w/ stratified k fold

python train.py --mode skf

if you want to repeat current best score

python train.py --mode skf --hp_config 'hp_config/roberta_large_focal_loss.json' --model_name 'klue/roberta-large'

if you want to use augmented dataset,

python train.py --aug_data_dir 'data/eda_repeat_1.csv'



python inference.py

w/ stratified k fold

python inference.py --mode skf

The generated file for submission will be saved as prediction/submission.csv


Karimi, Akbar, Leonardo Rossi, and Andrea Prati. "AEDA: An Easier Data Augmentation Technique for Text Classification." arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.13230 (2021).
Wei, Jason, and Kai Zou. "Eda: Easy data augmentation techniques for boosting performance on text classification tasks." arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.11196 (2019).