Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Repository for Artificial Neural Networks (RAN2) is is an open source project for sharing and reusing the files that are generated and used in the development of artificial neural networks (ANNs). Users can search, share, or reuse an existing file and submit their reviews to promote high value files. Given the costs of developing ANNs---large datasets and high computational power---RAN2 facilitates reusability and therefore, saves time and resources. It aims at providing an infrastructure for a thorough investigation of reusability in the domain of ANNs.

Getting Started


To Build RAN2 you need:

  • JDK 1.8 or newer
  • Maven 3.3 or newer

To Run RAN2 you need:

  • A server that supports Java servlets (i.e. Tomcat)
  • A Postgresql 9.6.6 or newer Database (for other SQL databases add the driver dependency to the .pom)
  • FFmpeg 3.4 or newer
  • An e-mail account for sending registration e-mails


Clone this repository to your local machine using git clone <enter url here>


To build RAN2 run mvn package. Make sure to edit the configuration file before building.


To deploy RAN2 you need to setup a http(s) server. We strongly recommend using https. Please refer to the server documentation for instructions. When the server is set up, copy the generated .war file to the appropriate directory and start the server.


To configure RAN2 you need to edit the application.properties file in src/main/resources. The most important properties are:

##### Admin information ########
setup.email=<admin email address>
setup.username=<admin username>
setup.password=<admin password for RAN2> ### at least 8 characters

##### Email configuration ########
spring.mail.host=<url to smtp server>
spring.mail.port=<smtp server port>
spring.mail.username=<login user to smtp server>
spring.mail.password=<login password to smtp server>

##### Default locale #####
spring.mvc.locale=<default locale tag>

##### Upload filesize limit #####
spring.http.multipart.max-file-size=<max filesize>
spring.http.multipart.max-request-size=<max filesize>

##### Path to FFMPEG executable ##### (required)
configdata.ffmpegPath=<path to ffmpeg executable>
configdata.ffprobePath=<path to ffprobe executable>

##### Daily upload limit per user #####
configdata.dailyUploadLimit=<daily upload limit>

##### Language tags of supported locales #####

##### Paths to used folders #####
configdata.welcomeTextPath=<path to welcome text, may contain html>
configdata.tosTextPath=<path to terms of service>
configdata.assetPath=<path to assets folder>
configdata.tempPath=<path to tmp folder>

##### Database configuration ##### (if missing, a H2 in memory database will be used)
spring.datasource.username=<database username>
spring.datasource.password=<database password>
spring.datasource.url=<database url, i.e. jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/databasePLRE2>


To add support for additional locales, you need to add the language tag to configdata.supportedLanguages and add a file with translated message strings in 'messages.properties' as messages_<locale_tag>.properties to the resources folder.


RAN2 is licensed under the MIT license

Copyright 2018 © Fachgebiet Software Engineering, Leibniz Universität Hannover