- 0
- 0
Chore: Strong Name the assemblies
#38 opened by blowdart - 1
There is no event.eventAttendanceMode object
#37 opened by DavidThielen - 0
Unit tests are broken
#36 opened by marthijn - 0
- 1
netstandard 2.0 support
#33 opened by onefreddy - 0
ParseUrlAsync() creates new HttpClient per call
#32 opened by wladslaw - 8
- 8
OpenGraph.ParseUrl throws NullReferenceException
#29 opened by kbednars - 6
- 0
For some reasons, this library don't support Linux, i'm getting 0 values with metadata everytime
#28 opened by TH3AL3X - 1
- 4
- 4
Is there a way to specify a timeout so I can continue with other work more quickly if the target site times out?
#23 opened by lorddev - 12
YouTube video returns no meta
#24 opened by AndaHendriksen - 1
graph Description property missing?
#22 opened by jholovacs - 1
Security Checking of ParseUrl
#21 opened by marshalljp - 3
Deployment issue
#20 opened by VincentRochet - 12
- 2
- 1
Follow HTTP redirects
#17 opened by cecilphillip - 1
Build error [Visual Studio]
#16 opened by amiller911 - 1
- 3
Check scheme
#12 opened by cecilphillip - 1
Accessing the raw HTML
#13 opened by cecilphillip - 3
- 3
Extensible html parsing strategies
#8 opened by ghorsey - 2
Support for NETCore
#10 opened by CR34L - 1
Charset issue
#6 opened by coronag - 3
Some websites do have og:image "html encoded"
#5 opened by coronag - 4
encoding issues
#4 opened by coronag