
Example of how to use ElasticSearch ingest-attachment plugin using JavaScript

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Example of how to use ElasticSearch ingest-attachment plugin using JavaScript

ElasticSearch installation and configuration

  1. Install ElasticSearch 5.4.0
    [/] cd /work/elk/elasticsearch
    [/work/elk/elasticsearch] wget https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-5.4.0.tar.gz
    [/work/elk/elasticsearch] tar -zxvf ./elasticsearch-5.4.0.tar.gz
    [/work/elk/elasticsearch] cd elasticsearch-5.4.0
  2. Install corresponding version of ingest-attachment plug-in (5.4.0 for ES 5.4.0) on every node in the cluster, and each node must be restarted after installation. This requires Java in path.
    [/work/elk/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-5.4.0] wget https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch-plugins/ingest-attachment/ingest-attachment-5.4.0.zip
    [/work/elk/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-5.4.0] ./bin/elasticsearch-plugin install file:///work/elk/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-5.3.0/ingest-attachment-5.4.0.zip
    -> Downloading file:///work/elk/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-5.4.0/ingest-attachment-5.4.0.zip
    [=================================================] 100% 
    Continue with installation? [y/N]y
    -> Installed ingest-attachment
  3. Make sure to have following settings in your elasticsearch.yml
    [/work/elk/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-5.4.0] vim config/elasticsearch.yml
    ## Add CORS Support
    http.cors.enabled : true
    http.cors.allow-origin : "*"
    http.cors.allow-methods : OPTIONS, HEAD, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
    http.cors.allow-headers : X-Requested-With,X-Auth-Token,Content-Type,Content-Length,Authorization
    http.max_content_length : 500mb
    cluster.name: mycluster
    node.name: ${HOSTNAME}
    discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 1
    node.max_local_storage_nodes: 1
    plugin.mandatory: ingest-attachment
    path.repo: ["/work/elk/elasticsearch/backups"]
  4. (Optional) Install X-Pack (security/shield plug-in) as mentioned here.
  5. Start ElasticSearch

ElasticSearch index setup

  1. Create a template and index that will map to it. Make sure you have the data field in your map (same name of the "field" in your attachment processor), so ingest will process and populate data field with the document content. Open sense plugin and run:
    DELETE /policies
    DELETE _template/template-policies
    PUT _template/template-policies
      "order": 0,
      "template": "policies*",
      "settings": {
        "number_of_shards": 1,
        "number_of_replicas": 0,
        "refresh_interval": "1s"
      "mappings": {
        "policy": {
          "_all": {
            "enabled": false
          "properties": {
            "@timestamp": {
              "type": "date",
              "format": "strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis"
            "id": {
              "type": "keyword", 
              "index": false
            "message": {
              "type": "keyword", 
              "index": false
            "filename": {
              "type": "keyword",
              "ignore_above": 256
            "isEnabled": {
              "type": "boolean"
            "data": {
              "type": "text",
              "fields": {
                "keyword": {
                  "type": "keyword",
                  "ignore_above": 256
            "attachment" : {
              "properties" : {
                "content_length" : { "type": "long" },
                "author" : {
                  "type": "text",
                  "fields": {
                    "keyword": {
                      "type": "keyword",
                      "ignore_above": 256
                "date" : {
                  "type": "text",
                  "fields": {
                    "keyword": {
                      "type": "keyword",
                      "ignore_above": 256
                "language" : {
                  "type": "text",
                  "fields": {
                    "keyword": {
                      "type": "keyword",
                      "ignore_above": 256
                "name" : {
                  "type": "text",
                  "fields": {
                    "keyword": {
                      "type": "keyword",
                      "ignore_above": 256
                "title" : {
                  "type": "text",
                  "fields": {
                    "keyword": {
                      "type": "keyword",
                      "ignore_above": 256
                "keywords" : {
                  "type": "text",
                  "fields": {
                    "keyword": {
                      "type": "keyword",
                      "ignore_above": 256
                "content_type": {
                  "type": "text",
                  "fields": {
                    "keyword": {
                      "type": "keyword",
                      "ignore_above": 256
                "content": {
                  "type": "text",
                  "fields": {
                    "keyword": {
                      "type": "keyword",
                      "ignore_above": 256
                  "analyzer": "english",
                  "term_vector": "with_positions_offsets"
          "dynamic_templates": [
              "strings": {
                "match_mapping_type": "*",
                "mapping": {
                  "type": "text",
                  "fields": {
                    "keyword": {
                      "type": "keyword",
                      "ignore_above": 256
    PUT /policies
    GET /policies/_mapping
  2. Create your ingest processor (attachment) pipeline:
    DELETE _ingest/pipeline/attachment
    PUT _ingest/pipeline/attachment
      "description" : "Extract attachment information",
      "processors" : [
          "attachment" : {
            "field" : "data",
            "target_field" : "attachment",
            "indexed_chars" : -1,
            "ignore_missing" : true
  3. Then you can make a PUT (not POST) to your index using the pipeline you've created:
    PUT policies/policy/0?pipeline=attachment&refresh=true&pretty=1
      "@timestamp": "2017-05-18T15:21:39.465Z",
      "filename": "abc.txt",
      "isEnabled": false,
      "data": "e1xydGYxXGFuc2kNCkxvcmVtIGlwc3VtIGRvbG9yIHNpdCBhbWV0DQpccGFyIH0="
    PUT /policies/policy/1?pipeline=attachment&refresh=true&pretty=1
      "@timestamp": "2017-05-18T15:21:39.465Z",
      "filename": "def.txt",
      "isEnabled": true,
      "data": "IkdvZCBTYXZlIHRoZSBRdWVlbiIgKGFsdGVybmF0aXZlbHkgIkdvZCBTYXZlIHRoZSBLaW5nIg=="
    GET policies/policy/0
    GET policies/policy/1
  4. Via command line ingest more sample documents by running following commands in command shell:
    [/work/github/elasticsearch-ingest-attachment-plugin-example]./bin/indexFile.sh -i 3 -f ./samples/risk-assessment-and-policy-template.doc
    [/work/github/elasticsearch-ingest-attachment-plugin-example]./bin/indexFile.sh -i 5 -f ./samples/sample-risk-mgt-policy-and-procedure.pdf
    [/work/github/elasticsearch-ingest-attachment-plugin-example]./bin/indexFile.sh -i 8 -f ./samples/englishAnalyzer.doc
    [/work/github/elasticsearch-ingest-attachment-plugin-example]./bin/indexFile.sh -i 10 -f ./samples/Credit\ Risk\ Policy\ Formulation.xlsx
  5. Search the documents using sense plug-in:
    GET /policies/policy/0?refresh=true
    POST /policies/policy/_search?pretty=true
      "query": {
        "match": {
          "attachment.content_type": "text plain"
    POST /policies/policy/_search?pretty=true
      "_source": [
      "query": {
        "match": {
          "attachment.content": "king queen"
      "highlight": {
        "fields": {
          "attachment.content": {}
    POST /policies/policy/_search?size=20&pretty=true
      "_source": [
      "query": {
        "bool": {
          "filter": {
            "term": {
              "isEnabled": true
    POST /policies/policy/_search?pretty=true
      "_source": [
    "query": {
      "bool": { 
        "must": [
          {"match": { "attachment.content": "Retail Credit Risk"}}
        "filter": [ { 
          "term":  {"isEnabled": true }
        } ]
    "highlight": {
      "tags_schema": "styled",
        "fields": {
          "attachment.content": {
            "pre_tags": [
            "post_tags": [
            "fragment_size": 150,
            "number_of_fragments": 5,
            "order": "score"

Configuration and installation of UI

  1. First, install Homebrew:
    $ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
  2. Then, brew update to ensure your Homebrew is up to date.
    $ brew update
  3. As a safe measure, run brew doctor to make sure your system is ready to brew. Follow any recommendations from brew doctor.
    $ brew doctor
  4. Install Node.js:
    $ brew install node
    It will be installed at /usr/local/Cellar/node/7.7.2
  5. Configure ~/.npmrc file used by npm if you sit behind proxy server:
    $ vim ~/.npmrc
  6. If you don't have sudo / root access, then you need to change default npm modules location. Check this for complete steps.
    $ npm config set prefix ~/npm
    Then edit your .profile/.bashrc/.kshrc/.bash_profile and add:
    export NODE_PATH="$NODE_PATH:$HOME/npm/lib/node_modules"
    export PATH="./:$PATH:$HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$HOME/npm/bin"
  7. Install bower (bower has a dependency on git; if git is not available, then copy paste ui/bower_components folder from the machine where git is available):
    $ npm install -g bower
    ~/npm/bin/bower -> ~/npm/lib/node_modules/bower/bin/bower
    └── bower@1.8.0
  8. Configure .bowerrc file used by Bower if you sit behind proxy server:
    $ vim ~/.bowerrc
  9. Then go to directory where you put bower.json and download all the dependencies mentioned in bower.json:
    $ cd /work/github/elasticsearch-ingest-attachment-plugin-example/ui
    [/work/github/elasticsearch-ingest-attachment-plugin-example/ui] bower install
  10. After that you will get all required dependencies for this example to run. It should run as local server not as files so you need to host it somehow. The simplest way will be:
[/work/github/elasticsearch-ingest-attachment-plugin-example] npm install -g lite-server
~/npm/bin/lite-server -> ~/npm/lib/node_modules/lite-server/bin/lite-server
└─┬ lite-server@2.3.0 
$ npm list -g --depth=0
├── bower@1.8.0
└── lite-server@2.3.0
  1. Go to the directory where index.html is and start the web server:
[/work/github/elasticsearch-ingest-attachment-plugin-example/ui] lite-server
Did not detect a `bs-config.json` or `bs-config.js` override file. Using lite-server defaults...
** browser-sync config **
{ injectChanges: false,
  files: [ './**/*.{html,htm,css,js}' ],
  watchOptions: { ignored: 'node_modules' },
  server: { baseDir: './', middleware: [ [Function], [Function] ] } }
[BS] Access URLs:
       Local: http://localhost:3000
          UI: http://localhost:3001
 UI External:
[BS] Serving files from: ./
[BS] Watching files...
17.03.28 14:23:06 200 GET /index.html
17.03.28 14:23:06 200 GET /bower_components/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css
17.03.28 14:23:06 200 GET /bower_components/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.css
17.03.28 14:23:06 200 GET /bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.js
17.03.28 14:23:06 200 GET /bower_components/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js
17.03.28 14:23:06 200 GET /bower_components/knockout/dist/knockout.debug.js
17.03.28 14:23:06 200 GET /bower_components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2
17.03.28 14:23:06 200 GET /bower_components/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.js
17.03.28 14:23:06 404 GET /favicon.ico

Deploying on production

  1. lite-server is supposed to be used only for debug/development purpose. It can't run as a daemon process. Hence, we need to install http-server and forever node modules:
    npm install -g http-server
    npm install -g forever
  2. Edit index.html in ui folder with correct ElasticSearch cluster details.
  3. Edit startserver.js in ui folder with correct path to node_modules folder and hostname.
  4. Start http-server:
    cd /work/github/elasticsearch-ingest-attachment-plugin-example/ui
    forever start startserver.js