
The source and PDF files of my resume, including English and Chinese versions. 中英文版简历PDF文件及其LaTeX源码。

Primary LanguageTeX


Hello, this is the LaTeX source codes and PDF files of my resume, and it contains Chinese and English versions.

Some of my private data (including my phone number and other information) was removed from the public version. Please contact me by email.


Building from source


  • xelatex
  • automake (optional)


  • Run the following commands with automake tool to build PDFs:

    make all # Building both English and Chinese versions
    make en # Building English version only
    make zhcn # Building Chinese version only
  • Building with xelatex directly:

    xelatex resume.tex # Building English version only
    xelatex resume-cn.tex # Building Chinese version only


The LaTeX template file was created by Trey Hunner, and it was downloaded from http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com.