Port from jquery.numberformatter, without parsing function and without dependency on jquery or jshashtable.
Originally written by Michael Abernethy (mike@abernethysoft.com), Andrew Parry (aparry0@gmail.com)
Licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
formatNumber(numberString, options) - Takes a plain number as a string (e.g. '1002.0123') and returns a string of the given format options.
To achieve the old way of combining parsing and formatting to keep say a input field always formatted to a given format after it has lost focus you'd simply use a combination of the functions.
$(this).parseNumber({format:"#,###.00", locale:"us"});
$(this).formatNumber({format:"#,###.00", locale:"us"});
The syntax for the formatting is:
0 = Digit
# = Digit, zero shows as absent
. = Decimal separator
- = Negative sign
, = Grouping Separator
% = Percent (multiplies the number by 100)
For example, a format of "#,###.00" and text of 4500.20 will display as "4.500,20" with a locale of "de", and "4,500.20" with a locale of "us"
- Arab Emirates -> "ae"
- Australia -> "au"
- Austria -> "at"
- Brazil -> "br"
- Canada -> "ca"
- China -> "cn"
- Czech -> "cz"
- Denmark -> "dk"
- Egypt -> "eg"
- Finland -> "fi"
- France -> "fr"
- Germany -> "de"
- Greece -> "gr"
- Great Britain -> "gb"
- Hong Kong -> "hk"
- India -> "in"
- Israel -> "il"
- Japan -> "jp"
- Russia -> "ru"
- South Korea -> "kr"
- Spain -> "es"
- Sweden -> "se"
- Switzerland -> "ch"
- Taiwan -> "tw"
- Thailand -> "th"
- United States -> "us"
- Vietnam -> "vn"