This project is the source for It generates the contents of the site in sbt/ for delivery via GitHub Pages.
See contributors for the list of documentation contributors. is powered by:
Pamflet, a Scala-based documentation engine written by @n8han (and some contributions from @eed3si9n) generates the sbt 0.13/1.x documentation.
The site generation is driven by sbt-site and sbt-ghpages.
The source for Community plugins page is at src/reference/01-General-Info/ Add your plugin to this page and send us a pull request if your plugin is not already on it.
The PDF generation is optional, and requires the following additional steps to install TeX Live and Pandoc.
$ sudo apt-get install pandoc latex-cjk-all texlive-full
These steps are derived from Haruhiko Okumura's instructions at [TeX Live/Mac]( (in Japanese).
- install MacTEX, either via downloaded pkg or homebrew mactex formulae
- update TeX Live package manager with
sudo tlmgr update --self --all
(this may take a while) brew install pandoc
To make the site locally, from sbt shell:
> makeSite
Then open target/site/index.html
To push site, from sbt shell:
> ghpagesPushSite
Beware that sbt-ghpages interacts badly if your home directory is a git repository: sbt/sbt-ghpages#25
- Make sure you enable pdf generation:
- Update
- Update
- Update
Pamflet uses dollar sign ($
) as the template variable character.
So if you use it in the document, use need to escape it with backslash: \$
Here's how to check for unescaped dollar signs.
$ brew install ripgrep
$ rg '^([^\$]*)[^\\]\$([^\$]*)$' -g '*.md' src
79: export SBT_CREDENTIALS="$HOME/.ivy2/.credentials"
To include a validated code examples, create a scripted test under src/sbt-test
and in the markdown include as:
// This includes the entire file as Scala code snippet
@@snip [build.sbt]($root$/src/sbt-test/ref/basic/build.sbt) {}
// This includes snippet between a line containing #example another line with #example
@@snip [build.sbt]($root$/src/sbt-test/ref/basic/build.sbt) { #example }
// This specifies syntax highlight
@@snip [build.sbt]($root$/src/sbt-test/ref/basic/build.sbt) { #example type=text }