
🔥🔨 Easy copy and move actions within firebase

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Easy copy and move actions within a firebase database

JavaScript Style Guide Build Status


I simply got tired of rewriting the same copy (and remove) code for every firebase project.


# with npm
npm install --save fireaction

# with yarn
yarn add fireaction

For browsers, use the build in dist/fireaction.js


In nodejs:

var Fireaction = require('fireaction')

// ...
// require and setup firebase
// get firebase database ref
const ref = firebase.database().ref()

// configure fireaction with firebase database ref
const fireaction = new Fireaction(ref)

// copy from one path to the other
// async with either callback
fireaction.copy(src, dest, function (err, data) {/*  */})
// or promise
fireaction.copy(src, dest)
	.then(function (sourceData) {/* ... */})


Fireaction copy and move methods can take in a third object argument instead of a callback:

const options = { withKey: true }

fireaction(src, dest, options, callback)
Option Type (default) Description
withKey boolean (true) Copies parent key with value into destination path
override boolean (false) Overrides existing data in destination path

Running Tests

  • npm run lint: runs the linter (standard)
  • npm run unit: runs the unit tests
  • npm test: runs both the linter and the tests

Creating a build for browser

Build is run by webpack, so install dependencies:

# with npm
npm install

# with yarn

Then run build:

npm run build

NB: It is better to build using npm start which will lint and test before building.


To contribute:

  • Take a look at existing issues.
  • Create fixes/updates.
  • Write tests.
  • Lint, run tests and build.
  • Send detailed PR.


Licensed under MIT

Copyright (c) 2017 ghostffcode