
This is my solution for the technical test proposed for Agile Content team, and it requires to implement a web page for a tv show details screen. The stack used on this project was React, HTML and CSS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Agile Content Technical Test

This is my solution for the technical test proposed for Agile Content team, and it requires to mplement a web page for a tv show details screen.

The stack used on this project was React, HTML and CSS.

Installing Node.js and NPM

To run this project locally, the user needs to have installed NodeJs. First, you need to clone this repository, and then run npm install, to install the node modules package, and then npm start.

General Structure

This app was create using the Creat React App tool, developed and manteined by Facebook. In the public folder, its where the index.html and icon is located. Under the scripts folder, are located the build and start JS files. The modules and components are locate under the components folder. The index.js file contain the API links.

The hierarchy of project components is:

  • FetchShow -- TvShowTitle -- MenuSeasons -- MenuBottom      --- MenuGeneral      --- MenuCast