
jQuery plugin for creating line, bar and candlestick charts.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


jQuery plugin for creating line, bar and candlestick charts.

##Supported browsers

Should work in all browsers that support the canvas element (tested in newest versions of Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer).

Support for Internet Explorer 8 and below should be possible using polyfill and an older version of jQuery. See https://code.google.com/p/explorercanvas for polyfill.


  • Support for non-date x-axis
  • Update data dynamically
  • Fix x-axis


Include jQuery, jqCandlestick JavaScript and jqCandlestick CSS:

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.jqcandlestick.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/jqcandlestick.css" />

It is important that you include jQuery before jqCandlestick.

Create a container for your chart and use the jqCandlestick() function on it to create the chart:

<div id="my-chart" style="width: 640px; height: 480px;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(function() {
    var data = [/* ... */];
      data: data,

Where data should be a variable containing a multi-dimensional array of data. The expected format of the data-array depends on the number of data series in the chart. The first element of each row is the x-value (as a UNIX timestamp) (this can be changed in the options).

Many configuration options are available. The default options are defined in $.fn.jqCandlestick.defaults.

Data series

Multiple data series can be defined for a chart:

<script type="text/javascript">
  $(function() {
      data: data,
      series: [{
        type: 'line',
        name: 'Series #1',
      }, {
        type: 'point',
        name: 'Series #2',
        dataOffset: 2

Each series inherits its settings from $.fn.jqCandlestick.defaults.seriesDefaults, which is defined as:

seriesDefaults: {
  type: 'point',
  name: null,
  names: [],
  dataOffset: 1,
  yAxis: 0,
  color: '#fff',

Four built-in types are available (defined in $.fn.jqCandlestick.types): 'point', 'line', 'column' and 'candlestick'. The name-option defines the name of the series (shown when hovering over the chart) while the names-option, which is only used by type 'candlestick', defines the labels for "open", "high", "low" and "close". The dataOffset-option defines at which offset the values for the series start. The default is 1 which means that a default point-chart will expect a data-array of the format:

  [1391697000000, 23], // timestamp, value (offsets 0 and 1)
  [1391696100000, 14],
  [1391695200000, 5],
  // etc...

The 'candlestick' type is a bit different, in that it expects 4 values at the offset, e.g. with dataOffset: 1:

  [1391697000000, 23, 25, 12, 20], // timestamp, open, high, low, close (offsets 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
  [1391696100000, 20, 21, 10, 14],
  [1391695200000, 14, 20, 5, 7],
  // etc...

The yAxis-option specifies which y-axis to use (if multiple y-axes are defined, as explained in a later section).

The x-axis

The xaxis-option can be used to customize the format of the x-axis:

xAxis: {
  name: 'DATE',
  months: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'],
  dataOffset: 0,
  // ...
  labels: {
    // ...
    format: 'date',

The name-option is used to set the name of the axis while the months-option defines a list of months (for translation-purposes). As with data series, the dataOffset-option specifies the location of x-values in the data array. The default format for the x-axis is 'date', which is currently the only supported value.


Several y-axes can be defined in the yAxis-option, e.g.:

yAxis: [{
  height: 3,
}, {
  height: 2,
  format: { fixed: 2 },

The above example will result in two chart-areas within the chart sharing the same x-axis. The height of the first area will be 60% (3/5) of the total height, while the height of the second area will be 40% (2/5) of the total height.

Each y-axis inherits its options from $.fn.jqCandlestick.defaults.yAxisDefaults which contains the following:

yAxisDefaults: {
  height: 1,
  // ...
  labels: {
    // ...
    format: null, // possible values: a function(x) or an object {fixed: y) where y is number of decimals

The height-option defines the height of the axis as the numerator of the fraction height / total_height where the total height is the sum of all height-options. E.g. in the above example the total height is 3 + 2 = 5.

The format of the labels of the y-axis can be defined using the labels.format-option. The default is null which means that the raw numbers will be printed. It is possible to print the number with a specific number of decimals by setting format: { fixed: n }, where n is the number of decimals. It is also possible to define a custom formatting function such as format: function(x) { return Math.round(x); }.


There are two built-in themes available: 'light' and 'dark', optimized for white and black backgrounds respectively. The built-in themes are defined in $.fn.jqCandlestick.themes. Colors, fonts and spacings can also be changed manually. The following options are available for customizing the appearance of charts:

  theme: 'light', // imports default colors from a theme defined in $.fn.jqCandlestick.themes
  font: '8pt sans-serif', // default font for all text
  padding: { // distances between the boundaries of the chart-container and the chart itself
    top: 0,
    left: 10,
    bottom: 0,
    right: 0,
  plot: {
    spacing: 5, // vertical space between chart areas
    padding: { // distances between plot area and axes
      top: 0,
      left: 15,
      bottom: 0,
      right: 15,
  xAxis: {
    color: '#333', // color of x-axis
    strokeWidth: 1.0, // width x-axis
    tickSize: 5, // length of each tick (can be negative)
    labels: {
      font: null, // font to use for labels
      color: '#999', // color for labels
  yAxisDefaults: {
    color: '#222', // default color of y-axes
    strokeWidth: 1.0, // default width of y-axes
    tickDistance: 40, // minimum distance between ticks
    labels: {
      font: null, // font for labels
      color: '#999', // color for labels
  seriesDefaults: {
    color: '#fff', // default color for series
  info: {
    color: '#999', // color for info
    font: null, // font
    spacing: 20, // distance between values
    position: 'left', // 'left', 'right' or 'auto'
    wrap: 'auto', // 'auto', 'yes' or 'no'
  cross: {
    color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)', // color of cursor-cross
    strokeWidth: 1.0, // width cursor-cross lines
    text: {
      background: '#000', // background color for text
      font: null, // font for text
      color: '#999', // color for text
  containerClass: 'jqcandlestick-container', // class for chart container
  chartCanvasAttrs: { // additional attributes to add to chart canvas element
    class: 'jqcandlestick-canvas',
  crossCanvasAttrs: { // additional attributes to add to cross canvas element
    class: 'jqcandlestick-canvas',

Each series type has additional options available:

Point charts

Series with type: 'point' has the following additional options:

  radius: 3, // Radius of points
  stroke: null, // Color of stroke (null for no stroke)
  strokeWidth: 2.0, // Width of stroke

Line charts

Series with type: 'line' has the following additional options:

  strokeWidth: 2.0, // Width of line

Bar/column charts

Series with type: 'column' has the following additional options:

  width: 5, // Width of each bar/column
  stroke: null, // Color of stroke (null for no stroke)
  strokeWidth: 1.0, // Width of stroke

Candlestick charts

Series with type: 'candlestick' has the following addtional options:

  names: ['OPEN', 'HIGH', 'LOW', 'CLOSE'], // Value names
  width: 5, // Width of each candlestick
  downColor: null, // Color of decreasing candlestick
  downStroke: null, // Stroke color of decreasing candlestick
  downStrokeWidth: 1.0, // Stroke width of decreasing candlestick
  upColor: null, // Color of increasing candlestick
  upStroke: null, // Stroke color of increasing candlestick
  upStrokeWidth: 1.0, // Stroke width of increasing candlestick

Advanced usage

Currently jqCandlestick only has support for 4 different types of series. You can manually add custom types to the $.fn.jqCandlestick.types-object. As an example, the 'point'-type is defined as:

point: {
  dataSize: 1, // defines expected number of values in data-array (would be 4 for candlestick)
  radius: 3, // additional options (default values)
  stroke: null, // ...
  strokeWidth: 2.0, // ...
  // The draw function is called in order to draw a data series of this type.
  // It takes the following parameters:
  //   ctx - Canvas context for drawing
  //   settings - The entire settings object
  //   plot - An object containing some information about the plot area, such as:
  //     min, max - minimum and maximum values for plot area
  //     minY, maxY - top and bottom of plot area
  //   series - series settings
  //   data - entire data array
  //   getX - a function, getX(value), that returns the x-value in pixels for a given value
  //   getY - a function, getY(plot, value), that returns the y-value in pxiels for a given plot area and value
  draw: function(ctx, settings, plot, series, data, getX, getY) {
    ctx.fillStyle = series.color;
    ctx.lineWidth = series.strokeWidth;
    // Iterate over each row in the dataset
    data.forEach(function(row) {
      // Find x- and y-values using the provided functions
      var x = getX(row[settings.xAxis.dataOffset]); // x-axis data offset from settings
      var y = getY(plot, row[series.dataOffset]); // series data offset from settings
      // Draw circle
      ctx.arc(x, y, series.radius, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
      // Draw stroke if set
      if (series.stroke) {
        ctx.strokeStyle = series.stroke;
        ctx.lineWidth = series.strokeWidth;