EOS Community TestNet (SuperheroNet)

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This repo contains needed files to get new EOS Community TestNet Block Producers and Full Nodes off the ground.

Hardware Requirements

This is still largely unknown. There is a report of a machine with 1 GB of ram and 1 core producing blocks and not dropping connections. Most folks are using at least 16g of ram and 4 cpus.

Software Requirements

There are reports of Ubuntu 16.04, 17.04, and 17.10 working correctly.

Steps to Stand up new BP

  1. Provision server infrastructure
  2. Open ports 1337 and 8888 to the world
  3. Download DAWN-2018-01-25-ALPHA
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/eosio/eos --recursive
cd eos
git checkout tags/DAWN-2018-01-25-ALPHA
  1. Compile
./build.sh ubuntu

4.1 Confirm version

eosiod --version should equal 2831591733

  1. Grab the genesis json from this repo
sudo mkdir /data
cd /data
sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/michaeljyeates/10mill/master/genesis.json
  1. Grab the config.ini from repo
mkdir data-dir
cd data-dir
rm config.ini
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/michaeljyeates/10mill/master/config.ini
  1. Procure a public / private key pair for your node

Contact the Community Testnet to request a keypair

  1. Fill in the relevant values in the config.ini file

See inline comments

  1. Fire it up!
./eosiod --replay  > community-testnet.log 2>&1 &
tail -F community-testnet.log


  • if there are errors when starting using the --replay flag, try rm -rf data-dir/blocks && rm -rf data-dir/shared_mem