
A Trellix clone made with the most bleeding edge Next.js features and some new and fancy tRPC stuff.

This is based on Remix's trellix example by Ryan Florence.


You need a Turso database to run this project. You can create one for free at Then, get the URL and Access Token from the Turso dashboard and add them to your .env.local file:


You'll also need to generate a secret for Auth.js to use. You can generate one with the following command, and then add it to your .env.local file as AUTH_SECRET:

openssl rand -hex 32

(Optional): If you want to use Github OAuth, also set the AUTH_GITHUB_ID and AUTH_GITHUB_SECRET environment variables.

Then, install deps, push db schema and start the server:

bun i
bun db:push
bun dev
# Optional in a separate terminal
bun db:studio