#. Homepage: http://www.iep-ipp.com/
IEP-IPP is open source software, license granted under GPL version 2, and is available free of charge. IEP-IPP was designed as a collaborative effort by K-12 special education teachers, graphic design, and K-12 technology staff as an effort to produce a program planning system for managing individual education/program plans for students in Pre-Kindergarten to grade 12, students in ESL and students in gifted programs. Efforts and suggestions to improve the system are always appreciated.
--from the site, where there is also documentation.
#. Tarball on Sourceforge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/iep-ipp/
True Story: IEP-IPP is Copyright © 2005 Grasslands Regional Division #6. IEP-IPP is released under the GNU GPL License
Last release was 2007.