- GateOne on GitHub: https://github.com/liftoff/GateOne
- Official Documentation: http://liftoff.github.com/GateOne/
- Licensing: http://liftoff.github.com/GateOne/About/index.html#licensing
- GateOne with Supervisor (blog post): http://blog.yourtech.us/2012/08/yesterday-i-setup-gateone-to-run-as-non.html
- Raspbian .img written to SD card; Raspbian fully configured and running in Raspi.
- Access to internet
- Unzipped script or downloaded script with git clone
- Script executed on Raspi running Raspbian.
- bash powered; verbose output
- Checks that the script is run with root privs; exit with error if not;
- Updates software source list info (function)
- Installs dependencies with apt-get (forced yes) (function)
- Install dependencies with pip install (function)
- Downloads the .deb from github for GateOne
- Installs deb with dpkg (installs to /opt)
- Heredoc write server config with values defined in script. Hopefully.
- Init on startup from /etc/init.d - see resources.