
Wrote roles for initial Ubuntu 18 setup, environment configuration and deploying on a linode instance for couplet of Elixir/Phoenix liveview application running on a nginx reverse proxy server


Ansible Playbook collection to:

  1. Setup Apache
  2. Clone Remote github Repositories
  3. Setup ElasticSearch
  4. Setup Erlang/Elixir
  5. Setup NodeJS
  6. Setup Phoenix
  7. Setup PhP
  8. Setup Redis
  9. Setup RVM
  10. Add SSH Keys
  11. Setup Mongodb
  12. Setup MySQL
  13. Setup Nginx as a reverse proxy for multiple sites with SSL

Run Playbook

Run this command to run the playbook:

ansible-playbook -i inventory main.yml

Place your inventory file in the directory you wish to your ansible commands in the following format

your_ip_address_here ansible-connection=ssh ansible_ssh_user=username ansible_ssh_pash=password


And setup your main.yml to include the roles you want:


- hosts: remote_server
  gather_facts: yes
  become: yes

    ansible_distribution_release: "xenial"
      test.acuments.com: {appname: 'test', port: 5000, socket: true}
      test1.acuments.com: {appname: 'test1', port: 3000, socket: false}
      test2.acuments.com: {appname: 'test2', port: 4004, socket: false}

    - ansible-apache
    - ansible-clone-repo
    - ansible elasticsearch
    - ansible-mongodb
    - ansible-phoenix
    - ansible-php
    - ansible-redis
    - ansible-rvm
    - ansible-ssh
    - ansible-nodejs
    - ansible-erlang-elixir
    - ansible-phoenix
    - ansible-mysql
    - ansible-nginx

Add/Remove sites from the nginx_revproxy_sites variable specifed in the main.yml. Specify socket: true if your site is using socket connections.