Pinned Repositories
this is a movies blog website make you create posts about your favorite movie and let other people comment on it and do other things to create it i had used php MVC SCSS and bootstrap
Repository for my CS50W projects, showcasing web development skills using JavaScript and Django. This includes hands-on projects that cover modern front-end techniques, back-end logic, and full-stack integration following industry best practices.
this is a python program that make you clean your data which mean remove columns and rows by its values if you wanna use it, you should install python,pandas,jupyter notebook and then run code inside file
another express js mvc framework using mongo db (noSQL) and mvc design pattern to make restfull api's calls, there is also jwt to protect routes
project to move on with javascript framework express js with mvc design pattern which mean model view controller and some packages that make it really power and easy to use
this is a project that i created with laravel rest api with sanctum token to protect routes and nuxt js SPA
The Presidential Committee of the city of Safi develops measures designed for sharing, safety, reliability and sustainability respecting local traffic rules. among its measures, the mobile application that manages the fleet of electric scooters.
a project that conatin nest js as a backend framework to make api's for send req and get res from mongo db with react frontend that i am going to build with typscript
this is a website that make you see every car statistic in it's own pic while you are scroling in the page to choose or discovring one oth theme
ghrabla's Repositories
another express js mvc framework using mongo db (noSQL) and mvc design pattern to make restfull api's calls, there is also jwt to protect routes
The Presidential Committee of the city of Safi develops measures designed for sharing, safety, reliability and sustainability respecting local traffic rules. among its measures, the mobile application that manages the fleet of electric scooters.
project to move on with javascript framework express js with mvc design pattern which mean model view controller and some packages that make it really power and easy to use
this is a website that make you see every car statistic in it's own pic while you are scroling in the page to choose or discovring one oth theme
fullstack app using graphQl, react,MGDB, and Express.js
Rust is blazingly fast and memory-efficient: with no runtime or garbage collector, it can power performance-critical services, run on embedded devices, and easily integrate with other languages.
this is a python program that make you clean your data which mean remove columns and rows by its values if you wanna use it, you should install python,pandas,jupyter notebook and then run code inside file
its the repo where i push all my hackerrank account solution codes just for save it and there is also some algorithms that i had write with javascript
Visualisez de manière transparente vos données JSON instantanément .
The MFN company connects freight forwarders in the Cherifian Kingdom of Morocco with a wide range of tools designed for successful networking (MFN Mobile Application).
This Github project is a React Native app that demonstrates hardware integration with BLE devices, sensors, and cameras. It is a starting point for developers who want to build their own React Native apps with hardware integration. The project uses React Native, Expo, and various libraries for hardware integration.
The Simplon IT team needs a tool to make it easier to read JSON files to ensure the smooth running of projects.
my own Zoom clone. In this dir I will show you everything you need to know to create your very own video chat application which supports chat rooms, video chat, and much more.
banks management app using react as a client side libary and express for building server side with mongodb as a database
DevHelp is an open-source community-driven platform for developers to ask and answer questions. Built with a focus on scalability and security, DevQ&A allows users to share their knowledge and find solutions to common development problems.
what Docker is & how to use it to help improve the development experience both alone & in a team.
TGCC experts bringing together all the acquired experience in the fields of global management, leadership strategies, and the implementation of efficient and effective processes and practices.
let's look at javascript (ES6) oop concepts like Object Literals Constructors & This Prototypes & Inheritence Object.create() ES6 Classes & Subclasses
simple project to discover the world of machine learning with javascript using the most famous library in js ML brain.js
ETL Extract-transform-load a database from WIPO - The World Intellectual Property Organization Configure a GraphQL server with Node.js and Express. Creates a query execution environment
a project that conatin nest js as a backend framework to make api's for send req and get res from mongo db with react frontend that i am going to build with typscript
USATV-Next.js is a dynamic web application built with Next.js, React, and Node.js, aimed at providing a comprehensive platform for discovering and exploring the vast landscape of television in the United States. With this project, TV shows, channels, and streaming platforms available in the USA.
A reactive weather application that uses a real-time weather API to provide updates to users. Built using NestJS and utilizing a reactive programming paradigm for responsiveness and scalability.
composer require friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle composer require sensio/framework-extra-bundle composer require jms/serializer-bundle composer require symfony/validator composer require symfony/form composer require symfony/orm-pack.
a project built with three js for making some 3d models loading animation and more things if you wanna know more about it you can clone it hah
i created this repo for discovring how the typescript work and how it makes a lot of things that does not exist even now in js like interfaces , generics and decorators
Using Electron.js with React is a great way to build cross-platform desktop applications using web technologies. Electron.js allows you to create native desktop applications using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, while React helps you build user interfaces efficiently.
This repository contains a collection of Laravel scripts for implementing cron jobs, queues, and events. These scripts can help automate tasks, manage job queues, and trigger events based on specific conditions.
Puppeteer is a Node.js library which provides a high-level API to control Chrome/Chromium over the DevTools Protocol.