How to solve this challenge?

  1. Read the "Challenge description" below.
  2. Make changes to the challenge.js file.
  3. Commit your changes.
  4. Wait for the result of the "GitHub Classroom Workflow" action. If it is green - congratulations, you solved this challenge! If not - try again!
  5. You can watch an example of how to solve a challenge in the video linked in the theoretical lesson preceding this challenge.

Challenge description

Creating a Tree

The previous challenge showed how to store a Tree in an Array. But how do you convert a Tree from an Array to the more-standard Node form?

Implementing a Tree

To implement a Tree, we'll create a Node class. It will store an integer of Data, and point to 2 child Nodes.

class Node {
  constructor(data) { = data
    this.left = null
    this.right = null
  1. Create a Node node from a given cell i in the array: Node node = new Node(array[i]);
  2. Create the children Nodes from their positions in the array. (See step #1).
  3. Assign the children Nodes to node.left and node.right.

You first create a Node, and then you create children Nodes in the same manner. This sounds like a recursive function will be needed!

As mentioned, since trees are recursive structures, recursive functions are used to navigate them.

Here's the above algorithm:

function arrayToTree(array, i) {
  if (i >= array.length || array[i] === 0) {
    return null

  const node = new Node(array[i])
  node.left = arrayToTree(array, 2*i+1)
  node.right = arrayToTree(array, 2*i+2)

  return node

Traversing a Tree in Pre-order

Pre-order traversal means you process a Node and then process its sub-trees.

Here is the pre-order algorithm:

function preOrder(node) {
  if (node === null) {
    return '';
  return `${} ${preOrder(node.left)} ${preOrder(node.right)}`


You will be given an array as input, which represents a Tree. Process the array into a Tree of Nodes, as shown above. Then go through the tree and print it in post-order. Print each number space-separated.

Example test case

const = tree = arrayToTree([10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])

//=> 3 4 1 5 6 2 10


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