
Primary LanguageGDScriptMIT LicenseMIT


ReactGD is a extension tool used to create dynamic UIs with flexibility and efficiency, where the nodes are updated only when needed.

How it works

Extending a script with ReactComponent, you can use the function render, which you return a Godot's Dictionary. In this dictionary, you put everything that must be rendered given the component's properties and state.

The component only renders when there's a change in it's state or when a parent ReactComponent change the properties of the component.

There's a example script of a simple button that tells how much times the button has clicked as text and changes the background color to a random color:

extends ReactUI

const font_path := "res://Fonts/JetBrains/fonts/ttf/JetBrainsMono-Regular.ttf"

func construct() -> void:
	self.state = {
		"click_count": 0,
		"color": Color.from_hsv(randf(), 1.0, 1.0)

func on_button_click() -> void:
		"click_count": self.state.click_count + 1,
		"color": Color.from_hsv(randf(), 1.0, 1.0)

func render():
	var click_count :int = self.state.click_count
	var color :Color = self.state.color

	var theme := {
		"click_button": {
			"styles": {
				["normal", StyleBoxFlat]: {
					"bg_color": color,
					"corner_radius": 8.0,
					"content_margin_horizontal": 16.0,
					"content_margin_vertical": 8.0
				["hover", StyleBoxFlat]: {
					"bg_color": color,
					"corner_radius": 8.0,
					"content_margin_horizontal": 16.0,
					"content_margin_vertical": 8.0
				["pressed", StyleBoxFlat]: {
					"bg_color": color,
					"corner_radius": 8.0,
					"content_margin_horizontal": 16.0,
					"content_margin_vertical": 8.0
			"fonts": {
				"font": {
					"size": 24.0,
					"use_filter": true,
					"src": font_path

	return (
			anchor_top: 0.0
			anchor_left: 0.0
			anchor_right: 1.0
			anchor_bottom: 1.0
			alignment: VBoxContainer.ALIGN_CENTER
				size_flags_horizontal: Control.SIZE_SHRINK_CENTER
				size_flags_vertical: Control.SIZE_SHRINK_CENTER
				name: "ClickButton"
				text: "Click me!"
				on_pressed: "on_button_click"
				theme: theme.click_button
				ref: "click_button"
				size_flags_horizontal: Control.SIZE_SHRINK_CENTER
				size_flags_vertical: Control.SIZE_SHRINK_CENTER
				text: ("You clicked " + str(click_count) + " times!")

Here's the code in action:

alt text

And here's a generic todo list:

alt text

All the demos can be found in Demo Scenes


  • Add documentation;
  • Improve gdx;
  • Add functional based rendering (and hooks, maybe?);
  • Create intellisense extension for Visual Studio Code;
  • Add a easy way to create prop transitions (with tweens);
  • Upload to Godot's Asset Library;
  • Port to GDNative as a native plugin;
  • Create custom import syntax.