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Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


a react hook for reactive animations + continuous UI, powered by rxjs


import { useAnimation, useObservable, interpolator } from 'use-animation'
import { useKeyDown } from 'use-input'

const anim = interpolator(0, 1, "easeOutCubic")
const MyComponent = () => {
  const target = useRef(null)

  const scale = useObservable(1)
  useAnimation(scale, anim, 500,
    (v) => {
      target.current.style.transform = `scale(${v})`
  useKeyDown(KEYS.up_arrow, () => {
    scale.swap(s => s + 0.5)
  return <div ref={target} style={{ width: '32px', height: '32px', backgroundColor: 'red' }} />

Usage with react-three-fiber

import { useObservable, interpolator } from 'use-animation'
import { useAnimation } from 'use-animation/three'
import { useKeyDown } from 'use-input'

const anim = interpolator(0, 1, "easeOutCubic")
const MyComponent = () => {
  const mesh = React.useRef(null)

  const scale = useObservable(1)
  useAnimation(scale, anim, 500,
    (v) => {
      mesh.current.scale.x = target.current.scale.y = v;
  useKeyDown(KEYS.up_arrow, () => {
    scale.swap(s => s + 0.5)
  return (
    <mesh ref={mesh}>
      <boxGeometry args={[4, 4]} />
      <meshPhongMaterial color={"red"} />

Declaring Animations

useAnimated operates using two base primitives: observable values to animate (useObservable) and interpolation curves (interpolator(0, 1, 'linear')).

The simplest animation definition might look like:

  const linear = interpolator(0, 1, 'linear')
  const value = useObservable(1)
  useAnimation(value, linear, 200, console.log)

This means, in english, watch value and when it changes animate over 200ms to the new value using a linear interpolation from 0% to 100% and log the intermediate values to the console.

We can get fancier, with a little overshoot and rebound animation:

  const bounce = sequence(interpolator(0, 1.2, 'easeOutCubic'), interpolator(1.2, 1, 'easeOutCubic'))
  const value = useObservable(1)
  useAnimation(value, bounce, 200, console.log)

This is very similar except that now, over 200ms we will animate first from 0% to 120% then back from 120% to 100% which looks fun and bouncy.

This animation algebra allows all sorts of strange curves, handling the oddly specific problem of animating a value away from and back to the starting point:

  const thereAndBack = sequence(interpolator(0, 1, 'easeOutCubic'), interpolator(1, 0, 'easeOutCubic'))
  const value = useObservable(1)
  useAnimation(value, thereAndBack, 200, console.log)

Now, the delta of value will be the amplitude of this animation away from and back to the original value. value will always return to its initial state of 1.

Comparison with existing frameworks

useAnimated operates in a similar domain to framer-motion and react-spring. It was originally conceived as a way of achieving continuous UI via functional reactive programming working in React + rxjs + react-three-fiber. It aims to provide flexible control over animation triggers, cancellations, scheduling and interpolation schemes. It does not use springs internally, though it could be adapted to do so by implementing a spring interpolator.

In contrast to both framer-motion and react-spring this library does not introduce wrapped components a la <motion.div /> or <animated.div />. Instead we aim for the lowest overhead between intent streams -> rendered outputs, this is achieved by directly mutating DOM node or Three.js properties (in the case of react-three-fiber). This may seem at odds with the declarative programming encouraged by React but I would argue it is not.

cycle.js accurately shows that animation is a side-effect that is handled downstream of user intentions and actions. If the user's actions are sources then animation is nothing more than a sink, we are free to drop into performant imperative code where needed. To me, this is preferable to magic blackbox components.

If this isn't your cup of tea you can use my reactive input handling library use-input with both framer-motion and react-spring trivially.


  const scale = useSpring(1)

  useKeyDown(KEYS.up_arrow, () => {
    scale.set(scale.get() + 2)

  useKeyDown(KEYS.down_arrow, () => {
    scale.set(scale.get() - 2)

  return <motion.div style={{ scale, width: "32px", height: "32px", backgroundColor: "red" }} />


My very primitive and insufficient testing suggests that useAnimated is roughly as performant as framer-motion, react-spring and velocity.js in simple cases.

Custom Stream Pipelines

Setting Animated Values from Streams

const angle = useObservable(0)
// ...

useEffect(() => {
  const s = interval(500)
    .pipe(map((t) => Math.random() * Math.PI * 2))
  return () => s.unsubscribe()
}, [angle])

Consuming, Merging, Summing Intent Streams

You can directly consume the source streams from use-input, these currently include keydown$, keyup$, key$, mousemove$, mousemovenormalised$ and mousemovedelta$.

const angle = useObservable(0)
// ...

useEffect(() => {
  const s = combineLatest([
      map(([x]) => Math.PI * 2 * Math.sin(x * Math.PI)),
    .pipe(map(([angle, time]) => angle + time / 5.0))
  return () => s.unsubscribe()
}, [angle])