BlickCss plugin that makes rem instead of px


At the moment, blickcss 2.1.11 does not directly support plugins. However, you can still use this plugin.


<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>


$ npm i rem-mode-blickcss
import { RemMode } from 'rem-mode-blickcss'

/** @type {import('blickcss').config} */
export default (b) => {
    b.config({ /* your configurations here */ })

    RemMode({ grade: 16 })(b)

    return b


You can configure 2 parameters

  • grade ( type number, default 16 )
  • ignore ( type RegExp )

grade is the correspondence of the value to rem, for example, by default m-16 is equal to margin: 1rem. You can set the value to grade: 4 to make it like in TailwindCss m-4 will be margin: 1rem

ignore is which css properties to ignore. For example, ignore: /margin|padding/ to prevent the plugin from being applied to margin and padding. But you need to remember one thing, all properties that contain the word margin will be ignored, that is margin-left, margin-right and so on. To avoid this, write something like this ignore: /^\s*margin\s*:|^\s*padding\s*:/