
Sublime Text package for Pkl (https://pkl-lang.org).

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Syntax highlighting of Pickle (Pkl) for Sublime Text 3

Dark Theme

Pkl highlight in dark theme

Light Theme

Pkl highlight in light theme


Make sure you've PackageControl installed, then open: Command Palette → Install Package → Pkl.

Alternatively, clone this repository into Sublime's Packages directory:

$ git clone https://github.com/serjan-nasredin/pkl.tmbundle.git
$ cd pkl.tmbundle
$ xcopy /y /o /e ".\pkl.tmbundle" "%AppData%\Sublime_Text_3\Packages\Pkl"


Serjan Nasredin Camillo Schenone
Serjan Nasredin Camillo Schenone

Licensed Agreement of Author with Recipients

For license and copyright information please follow this like: https://github.com/serjan-nasredin/pkl.tmbundle/blob/master/LICENSE. Contact with the author.